Monday, February 20, 2017

smoke alarm sleep disorder

Before bed I tried to reset the fire alarm that had been chirping. Through the night it increased again and before 5, poor Coco was in a dither. I tried to shut my room door and put her on my bed but her panting and drooling was no fun. And the chirping increased, so I let Coco out and on came the ipad searching for solutions. This led to me balancing on a stool resetting the alarms. LOUD but after a few piercing attempts I think it reset. But now I was awake and on the computer waiting for Coco. However she never came when called multiple times so eventually I was out trudging in flip flops and a nightie trying to find this rascal. Eventually I found  her over by her security shed and hustled her butt inside. Luckily I did manage to sleep in once I finally got to sleep.

The cream/gold dresser was picked up finally around 11:30. Nice to get it out of the garage and on to its new home. I then had the cart free to rustle the large shelving unit Mom dropped off. I got it all scrubbed down and hope to use it for paint storage.

Britt and I made a quick sandwich then I painted the first coat of white paint on the bedroom suite pieces.

We were just going to head out to hook up the horses trailer and load horses for their chiro appt when Murray asked to come for 5. This gave me time to work on the FB furniture site I admin on and make a pot of hamburger soup. By 4:30 we tried the plan again. Britt was to catch the horses and me hook up the trailer, I did it almost on one try. The next round of issues began when I loaded Switch to find the stall panels ratcheted up but with a horse and only one hand it was hard to undo. I took her out and got it unlocked then loaded the 3 horses back in.

So now it was 4:45 and off for our appt BUT Lola thought she should come along. All the way to the highway even with a few stops trying to send her home. Britt tried running her home and seeing we were running late now I swung around on the highway and back to the house where we put her in the garage and headed off one more time. We were 15 min late but there was no usual lineup so were done quickly. The truck was coasting on fumes so I swung in and filled it on the way home.

someone may be hiding her bone in mud, this was from Saturday when so warm

Horses unloaded and it was time for hot yummy soup. Sheldon made it home for his bowl around 10.

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