Thursday, February 16, 2017

projects completed

The wind blew all night long at plus 6 and this was what I awoke too.. the wind continued all day

I was out bright and early spray painting the bottom of the dresser edge and the drawer edges and NOW it is ready to go.

Monica sent this picture from the booth, look what sold!!

They rest of my day was dedicated to the set of 4 chairs once the customer ok'd the black waxing I was doing on the first chair. The weather was awesome hitting plus 13 so all 3 remaining chairs went out for sanding and the white one sprayed black to match the others.

always funny how I paint perfect then distress and black wax to make it look old  and imperfect again

Britt arrived home from school just after 1 having a bit of a spring break. She does not have to go back till Tuesday night now. Lucky, she made her famous pad thai for us for supper while I kept on painting, thanks B!

My great relove customers dropped off a bedroom suite for me to do tonight. After we discussed colors and finish and they were off I finished the last chairs black wax, yeah!!

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