Thursday, June 2, 2016

trip to the Hat

Sheldon took today off as we are all heading to Medicine Hat to see GG Kuhn who is spending some time in hospital. This gave him a sleep in day which is his favorite. Slow start with coffee, internet and phone calls for him. Britt was up grabbing coffee then heading out to ride Bird, hose and feed before we leave.
 getting some nice collection
I had ordered Thai currency for the girls so ran to town to grab it, fuel and Tim's for the road trip. The two city girls  met us at the bank , Kaylin worked her shift already this am. We were off getting to the Hat around 3, enjoyed a few snacks and drinks then off to hospital to see great Grandma. She was so alert and interested in what the girls and Sheldon and I have been up too. Her sense of humor and worldly events was tip top. Everyone enjoyed our visit with the amazing 98 year old matriarch.

Once we tuckered her out from visiting and her supper we headed back to Grama and Papa's for a yummy supper; A bon voyage / birthday celebration with Auntie Candace, Reese, Auntie Colleen and Uncle Elton joining in too. Always great to see family even if for a short time.

By 8 we loaded back up, hit Tim's in Redcliff and drove westward into the sunset. We dropped the girls at their vehicle, hugged them as they will be off to Thailand before we see them again and tomorrow miss Shaina will be 22!! Back home, Britt was off to town to hang with friends till about 2:30 am while Sheldon and I just kicked back. Another great day in the books.

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