Sunday, June 12, 2016

Britt returns home

The wind continued today, I was up at 6:30 with a puking dog; same dog who puked last night. Washing a rug at 630 on a Sunday is not my idea of fun but I did get back to sleep. Prince awoke around 10:30, 12 hours from going to bed.. saying he must have needed it ;)

After coffee and checking in with Britt, I was sad to learn the dresser lady was going to be a no show not realizing. I was not in the city, geez! I then worked on staging the cream dresser, There is a Facebook page that helps furniture painters stage and price.
 after many pictures we started here but staging items to close together
 so spread out but frame not to scale
this worked much better.. just the cream color not showing true but much better right?

Sheldon and I headed to the city about 2, stopping in Langdon for an end table then first stop at Burnco to check paver shapes and color. This helped allot. We chose rustic for color and mega arbel.. similar to this one I am pointing to.
 nice thumb Sheldon ;)
 below is a fire pit sample in the 3 colors.. we chose bottom for our fire pit 

Then we were off to the NE Rona, Costco (which was crazy so bought some new sunglasses and booked it out of there) then home Sense. It was time to eat.. Joey's here we come. My favorite beach salad is no longer on the menu but a new one replaced it. It was yummy as well and with an elder-flower Collins to wash it down. It was now 630 and B was to land at 7 so we grabbed a Tim's and off to the cell parking; Britt's plane was delayed, dang but it was a nice night to wait it out drinking tea. She landed at 730 safe and sound, we snatched her up and headed home. She was loaded with trip details after taking 9 flights in the week around the world ;)

A quick fill with fuel on way thru town and we were home for Britt to see her dogs, shower quick and have Josh stop out to hear about the trip. Sheldon made it thru the door in time to see the Penguins win the Stanley cup. We watched a few more Quantico episodes before bedtime, another busy w/e behind us.

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