Thursday, June 16, 2016

26 years

Today marks 26 years of being married, there are days when it seems like forever and others that seem like last week. I guess that is a good thing ;) Happy <3 day Mr K.

I was up early, excitement I guess. I got some marketing and such done before the landscapers rolled in. Patio work continues with only the slightest input of changes from me.

Britt got rousted by 10 hoping to help her back on track. Sadly the wind continues to blow.. this is day 5?? and it is overcast and cooler 19

 I snapped these before shots of the gate in the am, then Britt and I conditioned in the winter pasture as the fence crew (2 guys) rolled in
from inside and outside views

 and in within 2 hours we had this gate (pics are next day when sunny)

 from the inside and outside

We also practiced for a bit too and I trimmed Bird's feet before we met the guys at the gate to get the run thru. Back to the house at 3, Britt was moving fast to change and go to work now instead of 4 as scheduled. The landscaper was gone by 4 and Sheldon was home around 4:30.

We celebrated over a 12 year rum and coke before heading to Il Bricco in Langdon. It is a fancy restaurant and the food was amazing, great choice! We detoured through town on our way home so Sheldon could meet young Archer and have a celebration beer with Craig. Britt even stopped quick to meet him after her shift too. By 10 we were back home, past the workers bed time ;)

Today is also Travis's birthday, happy cake day Trav!!

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