Saturday, June 25, 2016

projects finished, loads of links posted

I stayed up fairly late last night finishing up paint rep blogs while the Prince caught up on beauty sleep, of the 5 I wrote, here are two that I could post nursery art and two tone dresser, It did start raining again around 11 and continued till 1 when I closed up shop. I was awake at 7:30 and by 8 it came down for another hour. This is all very good and welcome even though we had landscaping plans today. So coffee in bed while it rained was a great start to the w/e.

I finally got to post my coffee table blog post, sure need to sell some pieces as the house is filling up fast. Time to get the contest projects finished, to speed it up I enlisted power tool Prince to drill the holes for the new sleek handles.

I added a wash of the milk paint to tone down the shiny poly on the mirror while he drilled. He was then off to the shop to try a wheel on the polox paint sprayer he picked up. Not long and I had to call him to adjust his work on the one side as it did not line quite up. A quick redrill and it was assembled with new rubber feet added too. Time to take inside and stage, finish the contest blog & post on the multitude of social media sites required. Like Hometalk, Pinterest, the FB contest page, link to host page, my FB page and Instagram to name a few!!

Whew, it is now noon and time to eat a snack, coffee is running out of my system. Sheldon made us tuna sandwiches with a cold beer, not bad lunch. He checked shop gauge and the total was 9/10ths so far so another 3/10ths overnight.. right on and as we were eating it started again around 1 pm for about an hour. The sun peeked out a bit so we headed to town to grab more trees and plants as it went from mist to sun to mist.

Back at home, we met Britt who was home from her work shift, changed and off to a barbecue and ball game tonight then staying overnight again at Standard to take in the cab too, bye B! I unloaded the plants and decided what to do. The inch of rain had the back area to fragile to drive on to unload pea gravel so we went to work on pulling 3 dead trees and planting 2. Still we cannot find a reasonably price plain old poplar so will wait on the hole.

The sun even cooperated while we got this done. Picking rocks from the spread top soil, cleaning up the old fire pit area and watering in the new trees and few old were on the list as well. Finally at 7:30 we called it a day to come in and barbecued bison steak for supper, soak in the tub and relax.

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