Sunday, January 31, 2016

Skiff of snow

Sunday morning we awoke to a skiff of snow, actually I did see it coming down at 1 am letting Coco out ;) Overcast to start out coffee was needed, two pots actually once Britt got up too. Sheldon cooked up a late brunch for himself as I was buffing and doing minor last minute repairs to the frame and waxing and assembly of my orb. Time for some pictures for you.

Britt was a doll and walked the dogs before she caught Hawk and Bird. Sheldon ventured out to the shop to start rail installation in the mez while she and I rode. Switch came along and I ponied her and she practiced the art of patience being tied too. Hawk remembered just how much he dislikes the game of polocrosse.. actually just the ball being thrown at him really.

The high was 2 with sunshine now when we started and 4 when we finished up around 2:30. However the fields are sheer ice under the skiff of snow and so dangerous. Bird was like an old lady on an ice rink walking so cautiously. THANK goodness we have the riding arena.

Sheldon was in soon after us to watch the All Stars games while I had a roast cooking. We ate early so Britt could head back to school around 5 and we caught a few more Bloodline episodes.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

town trips Shelly was me making coffee and on dog care early. Britt was up to preparing for her work day today 10-3. Sheldon was up later and soon off to town to show the rental condo. Our current tenants gave notice for March 1 moving to USA. I got busy waxing the table after another quick sand to reveal the blue better thru the stain and enhance the grain. 3 coats and a power buff and it was ready to stage and posted for my contest post.

The downside to the challenge is all the time spent writing up the blog post, social media posts such as hometalk and submission info on the contest FB page. But the upside is complimentary product to try out and challenge yourself.

I also painted up the antique frame I picked up before Christmas in the key west as well and sanded it heavily and dark waxed it. Below is just after painting. The new chest got a power sanding and a cute orb I created finally got stained, pics once dry
Sheldon was home around 2:30 after over 4 hours and 3 trips to town organizing the condo. The fellow looking this am took it, never takes long to refill. He brought along Edo for a late lunch. On a plus 4 day, he did a bit of dung duty out front before heading to the shop. where he called me out and we came up with a plan for the stair area, railing and last part of that wall. I ordered up the stall matting, soon the stall will be all good to use.

Today the high hit +4, again a nice day but the freezing temps the last 2 nights after the days thaw leaves lots of icy dangerous areas, yikes!

Much to Britt's disappointment supper was left overs. I seem to be the only one that does not have the luxury of a few choices of fresh cooked meals presented in front of me at every meal time. While Sheldon perused the internet, I updated the blog, did marketing and FB page cleanup and put the newly finished table on Kijiji as well as a FB ad boost. Let's see if this brings me any buyers, fingers crossed.

Friday, January 29, 2016

GF project finally a go

Project day is finally here, without appointments and such today I can get some wood working help from Prince. We started cutting and scrolling a replacement side piece for the end table which is to be my FFF January contest piece. This took some work but between us we got it mastered and affixed to the table. They do say the right tools for the job make it go twice as fast.. or perhaps that is what I say! So wishing I would have bought all Papa's woodworking tools at the sale and have a stocked garage ;)
 after board is cut to length I trace the pattern from existing side
 and Carl Jr gets creative with a jig saw sometimes making his own lines
 then I sand to match the other side
with the kreg jig (handy little tool) we get the side securely affixed 

After hot lunch, he tackled securing the hooks to my coat rack (I staged and posted quick) as well as cutting off the tops of the 2 chairs for the FFF March project. (Thanks to Britt for holding them, she arrived home early with no afternoon classes at 1:30)

Time to start paint process with General Finishes new chalk paint.

key west blue
 and i missed the photo of the completely coated table before I started sanding the top down again
I wanted the blue to peek thru the java stain I put on next (again missed the photo) and wiped back leaving to dry well overnight. Time consuming hand painting the detailed carvings on sides and legs followed as well as a free hand detailing on the new portion to look like the other carved sides.

After chilling in her room for awhile I forced Britt to walk the dogs in the beauty +6 weather. She snapped this cute picture. Then she headed to town late afternoon to pick up tanning salon key as she has a work shift tomorrow.
Between internet breaks Sheldon did manage to bolt in the stall boards and then cut some plywood to continue the barn progress. I continued in the garage repairing an old frame and the chest to get ready for painting.
Spaghetti supper was followed by PVR catch-up for B, newspaper catch-up for S and more Shadow Hunters for me.. whew busy day.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

city run

6:45 am is too early to be up and functioning but we were, by 7:30 we were off to the city. It was PLUS 6 at this early hour and had not gone lower than 2 all night. I had a dental appointment and Sheldon a meeting both downtown @ 9 am. I dropped him and headed to my ozone injection which took under 15 minutes in and out and that including all paperwork since I was new! I was then off to a lady's place where I purchased this pine chest. My next hour and a half was spent sitting in a Tim's parking lot right beside Kaylin's first city place.

Sheldon jumped in on the fly and we were off to Home Depot for some supplies followed by a Costco run. Hungry and needing a drink we made a stop at Big Rock Brewery Grill for lunch and stocked up on some new flavors there too before finally heading home.

When we arrived home around 3:30 we found almost all the snow gone and lake Kuhn back in place. It had high 11 so water was laying in a few places.

Unpack and relax before Sheldon was off to town around 5 to visit with his hockey buddies and couple other co-workers who are out for the week taking training. Surprisingly he was back home by 8 bringing my long awaited General Finishes chalk paint with him.

I enjoyed my quiet evening at home catching up on Netflix... The 100 and a new series called Shadow Hunters. When Sheldon got home we started to watch a movie but after an hour remembered we had seen it years ago so he went to sleep and I continued Shadow Hunters.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

flames game score

My rash was crazy itchy last night eventually leading to a sleeping pill at 1:45 am. I finally got to sleep and managed to wake at 10, when the Prince awoke as well, after 14 hours of sleep ;) We were off to town before 11 where he dropped me at my Dr. She sent me for blood work which took 2 attempts to get done due to the long lines.

In between attempts we met with Candace and Reese for a good visit at Tim's. Back at the lab, it was an hour wait for a 6 minute and 10 tube blood letting ;) While waiting for me, Sheldon scored tickets for tonight Flame's game. A very large armoire was on the pick up list as well, whew good thing I had help for this purchase.

We grabbed a burger on the way home, enjoyed a cold drink before his buddies picked him up and they were off! Now me, I made a tea and started season 5 of Scandal.
Coco loves snow cones

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Lexi returns to the city and Prince arrives home

My snuggle snore buddy loves life on the farm, this am she was awake before 8. However after a quick jaunt outside and check around she was ready to go back to sleep, HA! But once awake that was it for me. Time to paint the love sign.

 Garage cleaning time, I washed up a mat to help big D get up off the slippery floor better and rearranged his "home" before moving on to rest of the garage. Love a good organize and clean. I shoveled the front deck and sidewalks in nothing but my sweater.. crazy January. Kaylin and Aaron arrived around 11:30 to pick up Miss Lex and have a quick visit. They have a few memories for sure from the first NYC trip. Sheldon arrived home while they were still here and got in some visiting too. He had brought me a tea, THANKS!

As they headed back to the city, he went out to roll a bale for the starving ponies while I continued garage and shoveling the back deck as it is now PLUS 5 and melting everywhere yet again. Prince then was off to bed.

Congrats to Britt who received 2 more scholarships thru the college listings, 1 for $1000. And another for $1500. WELL DONE B!! Proud of you

Shaina started her new job today at Bootleggers Sports bar, Yay Dude!!

The Chinook winds started to blow like crazy at supper time and thru the evening, plus 6 for most of the day and these warm winds are making short order of the snow but also making mud. After a hot bath, Sheldon hit the sheets around 8 while I finished season 4 of Scandal.

 we have the best vet clinic, this card and poem arrived in the mail this week

Monday, January 25, 2016

sunrise ~ sunset

D wanted to head out for a pee break at 4:30 am..he seems to be responding to the ACV treatments but hope he soon sleeps thru the night ;) Britt was up and clanging around the kitchen at 7 and headed off to college around 7:20. D wanted out again at 8, actually he was hungry but did both. This is my reward for all this early awakening.
TV reported NYC had the 2nd biggest snowfall on record this w/e.. the girls will not forget their first trip to the big apple now will they?

My morning was spent continuing to hand sand the chair base.. good grief why did I start this.. painting over would have been so much faster ;)
After a quick snack it was back out with yet more sanding. I have a lovely bankers chair I started awhile back but it never got completed so since in the sanding mode I gave it some more work but still not done. The two chairs I plan to use to March FFF contest I worked on taking it all apart. ALL the chairs then got a good scrubbing and hose down.

 before.. after taking off arms and seat and finials
 always damage to be repaired
 but first a  good scrubbing
 for all the chairs
The temperature did get up to plus 1 around lunch but by the time I was done hosing it was -1. Time to walk the pack while they dried. Part way thru, I put Coco and Lex in the garage to dry off and the big dogs and I went to check the hay situation.

Repairs on the one chair were done and left to dry and the love sign painted red before I whipped up a batch of pizzelles. I replaced white sugar with coconut palm sugar and dang if the healthier choice is just not as sweet... on a positive side they may last longer ;)

and this was how the day ended.. beautiful from start to set