Tuesday, September 22, 2015

shades of grey underway

Yep, up early again, this time it was like 5:45 from a customer inquiry, then 6:48 from another loving the cabinet finished photo then 7:50 from Connie to say the polox checks arrived and all was good. Note to self, turn off phone!

Bird patiently stood for her hosing then ate quiet while I removed her fly sheet, applied Vaseline and green cream then she and Pep went back to mowing duty again. I think she enjoys these twice a day human interaction spa sessions ;)

Touch ups and some buffing as well as clear waxing the back of the cabinet, once dry time to stage and post finished pics. I LOVE it, an old piece given new life but still looks its age just fresh.

The growth rulers had backs painted and left to dry. Now to do the hand painting, maybe while Ellen is on later ;) Time to stain the end table top with the new gel stain in grey.. seems to be a theme ;)

 not sure I am loving it after all ;( to blue and opaque

Ponies got a little extra mowing time but I put them back around 1:30 then moved on to 2nd coat of grey on the table then the base of the end table got painted a light grey. I also spent some time on the phone with Elections Canada to figure why neither Shaina nor myself could find ourselves. Seems there was a wee number in each of ours that was wrong but now corrected and double checked everyone else was good to go.

Ellen and hand painting, both rulers hand painting done! then backs poly'd. I even stained up a grey growth ruler I hope to do in barn board look. Time for evening doctor rounds, feed master and dog walker before heading in to grab some left overs and hit the shower!
Today was a HUGE day for Sheldon at Sunshine Oilsands, today they turned on the plant and got it officially producing. WAHOO!!

Shaina arrived after work with a hot pumpkin spice tea, yummy thank you! We watched 2 season premiers Scream Queens and Limitless.

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