Wednesday, September 9, 2015

scary day!

I was up at 7:30 to get the coffee on for Grama & Papa as they grabbed some toast and headed out the door on their travel ventures. Shaina was up a bit later after they left eating and heading off to her 9 am work shift.

I was in the truck with trailer on my big round about venture at 10 with first stop to pick up Shania Twain tickets in Langdon. After GPS taking me in a few circles I found my next stop in Airdrie in a new subdivision to pick up a china cabinet from a former Oyenite. Thanks Marylou and Allen! I had enough time to stop at Costco and load up quick before meeting Lori at Cross iron for our lunch and long time catch up.
It was a great visit and Britt stopped on her way home to join us for a quick hello. She is such a dedicated girl to her horse and after working so hard this summer to keep her fit and trained and so many busts with the Colorado trip cancelled and the club tournament washed out she was determined to keep her in top notch even if the rescheduled tournament was 2 weeks after starting college. Shaina was on for Tuesday/Thursday and she had Sunday Monday and said she would drive home Wednesday.

She headed off around 3:30 to stop and get chiropractor done before riding and I was going to follow soon. However Lori and I continued our visit until I got a heart stopping call from neighbor Angela saying there was an accident on hwy 817 and it involved Britt. This is something no parent ever wants to hear. Lori shuttled me ot the truck/trailer parked at far end of the mall and I was off speeding the whole way with the phone going the whole way. Angela kept me up to speed on the ambulance coming, I alerted Sheldon, called Sharon to see if she could help find Bird as well as see if Shaina still in town.

By the time I arrived at the hospital emergency, she was there but parking was an issue so I went to nearby jr high and ran from there. Whitney had messaged she had Bird and would stay with her and KD was not with them at the time but rather at home in the pen. This was another concern I had since Britt was confused when she did come too and did not even know she was riding, did she pony KD too?

Britt was scared, sad, worried about Birdy, banged, scraped, lacerations on her head, terrible headache and in a neck brace when I arrived but conscious and memory returning. All up until the pavement impact at least. X-rays were taken and all clear of broken bones except possible hairline fracture in her left finger. They removed the brace and cleared her of that but said she will get stiffer before better. By 8 they had given her Advil and released her into my care.
As we drove home and pulled up the drive, she insisted I stop halfway so she could get out in her socks and hospital scrubs and hobbled her way into the pasture. Bird made her way to B, even breaking into a pained limping trot to her ;( Once they had there moment and B gave her a quick once over, I got B back to the truck and home to put on some warm coveralls and boots and we went out to treat her wounds.
Bird's wounds confirmed the fall on the right side matching Britt's, she too was scraped badly all down her lower right extremities and hip with a large laceration under her right armpit. (which after talking with Mom who suggested the stirrup may have caught under as they sell and slide made sense). I hosed while Britt comforted her and fed her her food. Luckily I had phenobutanol on hand to help ease her pain, I caught Julio and put him in the paddock with her for company while Britt shuffled back to the house.
the blood crusted on both of them doesn't show here, just the bond they have
 these do show some of the many cuts, abrasions and laceration Bird received after her fall
 the largest under her front armpit
Back at the house time to get B into bed after hosing the crusted blood out of her long tangled hair. I made a trip to Stouts to grab Tylenol after talking to health link and emerge again. I kept an eye on her all night having her sleep with me and checking her every hour.

How the event happened, Britt had her chiropractor and had arranged for hair with Auntie and a spray tan both for after her ride preparing for our family pictures on Friday. She got Bird caught and realized I had the horse trailer and her polox tack including helmet and bridle. She considered finding an old bridle but after many lessons with a halter and getting good results and even considering riding in the paddock she ventured out in the hay field to do what she had been doing daily for the last 4 months. She said the ride was going fabulous, better then ever and she was so excited to show me when I got home. But as the ride was winding down something which we will never know (bee sting, pain, english spur in just wrong) cause an immediate reaction to spring ahead and panic. Anyone who knows Bird knows she is highly sensitive and reactive and very in tune to Britt. Her speed and panic had Britt panicked and trying everything to stop her but the combination escalated. Her attempts to pull her in circles had feet flying everywhere with the fear of baling off not a good choice. As she leaned ahead to grab with both hand on the halter her legs were behind her banging on her sides She thought she would run to the herd but once past them attempted to use bales to slow her down then gravel but nothing did. As they flew out of the yard onto the approach the impending highway had her even more panicked, somehow they leaned to the right and as the asphalt began their foot was lost and Bird came down on her right side with Britt under her and head hitting the pavement. This is the last she remembers till much later.

I spoke with the fellow who initially found her, he was driving south on the highway and as he crested the knoll he saw Britt's lifeless body in the northbound lane. He saw Bird running towards him so he jumped out to catch her but she turned and headed south. He then went to Britt who was out but breathing so he covered her and waited not wanting to move her. Cars in her lane had stopped, another friend and neighbor came along and once saw it was Britt immediately called me in Airdrie. Back to that heart stopping moment ;( She kept me posted as to Britt's progress, she had finally come to but did not know she had been riding, thought she just sat down. She was dazed and confused but did manage to get herself onto the stretcher and was been taken to emergency. Between all the calls, I felt so lucky to have that technology, to stay so on top of things and am so thankful to all these people involved. Cody for his first on the scene care and attention to Britt, Angela for calling me, Whitney for getting Bird safely back to the house, the unknown nurse who was on scene before ambulance arrived, Sharon for caring for Bird and keeping the distraught Britt updated, Rhonda for helping look for Bird, the very kind paramedic and the emerge staff. This was a scary heart stopping event but it could have gone so much worse. Thank you Lord and all the angels for caring for these two girls!! XOXOX To the family and friends for the outpouring of hugs, prayers, speedy recovery best wishes, calls, texts, messages and concern, we all appreciate it! THANK YOU!!!

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