Friday, September 4, 2015

real first day of college

Last night after I posted the blog I heard a yelp in Lola's patrol barking, when I went out to check the ruckus there was a coyote right at the lilacs causing her to yelp again but could not see clearly so called her back and ran for a flashlight. As I marched out there to investigate I could not find any shiny eyes nearby but for sure she was still worked up and sniffing the area I saw them confronting at. Of course the 175# beast was behind me and only after I told him lets go see whats up.. not so brave that big lug. My presence my have sent him off as eventually she settled back down. Again a reminder to learn how to shoot a gun and get that costco jumbo light!

The morning was early again, today is Britt's actual day of college and by noon she already had homework ;) I spent a good part of my day scrubbing my CeCe Caldwell paint project, gluing on some wooden appliques and putting on the first coat.

 before and after scrub down

 additions and repairs
 every piece has a repair or 3 ;)
 first coat goes on
In between drying, it was time to sort the recycables! Good thing we go thru so many jumbo dog food bags, they made the perfect bins and I had 5 on hand. Fall always brings the purging feeling so want to keep this flow going.

Rain blew in around 4 and within under 2 hours we had 1/2 cm. Funny as it rained while the sun shone, the only time it had been out on the overcast 16 degree day. Once it was over I took the dogs for their walk and the sun poked out for our walk ;) then got busy back in garage distressing and starting the stain finish process.
 first part of stain treatment
 hmmmm fingers crossed this plan comes together
Shaina arrived just after 11:30 closing at the golf course, a quick snack and hello and off to bed as works at 8 am ;)

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