Wednesday, September 16, 2015

end table finished

The coyotes were bad in the night, I even woke dreaming of barking but it was real ;) but then back to sleep, until 10!! YAY! As I went to make coffee I glanced out the window.. WHAT! Yep another coyote strolling silently thru the paddock right near Julio again. I snap a few pics then call the dogs, he moves slowly towards the shop eventually heading out in the stubble field next door. It was not more then 30 seconds and Mitzy comes out the same end to hunt her magpies!! This is crazy! And no I am not going to shoot it, that brings a whole new basket of WTH to do with it if I nailed it.
 10 am.. WTH
Time to head out and be the equine doctor. Today worked easier with just her in the pen. Once hosed she ate quietly while I applied the cream and left her to lick the bucket clean. I returned to the garage to put a layer of dark wax on the side table and scrub the hardware some more. I am not loving the shiny brass with the old look finish so it got a few coats of flat brown.

The lush grass called for me to cut so back out I went mowing it all neat and tidy but of course scooping piles of yuck first. Another 1/2 cm was in rain gauge from overnight and will add even more growth as the sun was now popping out off and on all afternoon.
 I do need a weed eater guy.. I run all machines but weed eating I do NOT like
A repeat customer stopped to drop off another vintage find in her over flowing out buildings, this one an old medicine cabinet. I took it out for a good hosing and left to dry.

sweet little shelves and pretty hardware

 Time to haul in the table to stage and post...

Since the sun was out and was sort of warm I was back out raking pea gravel back into the wrap around, scooping uncovered dog crap after mowing ;( and taking the dogs for a walk.

Then it was time to get to work on the cabinet, I took it outside to sand as most likely lead paint. A good sanding and time to dry well. I moved the car out and the cabinet I recently picked up before having a bite to eat for supper.
Bird got a bucket of food and tonight just green cream applied to her healing wounds as pretty cold and not as much change. Accounting rounded out the fun evening, not so fun when internet has been spotty since 5, takes you back to dial up service.. oh man patience is not my virtue!

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