Wednesday, April 29, 2015

more projects complete and others underway

Awoke from very little sleep, Lola was on a barking mission and I am not sure at what but seems she protects Diego who was forced to stay out for the first over night. At 3 am though I gave up and called them both in the garage where they promptly went to sleep for the duration, Diego not getting up until just about NOON! At 3am it was plus 13. Once they were quiet however I could not go back to sleep and last clock check I remember was 4:45!

However once up and getting Britt off to school I got busy on the pile of projects to finish and do for the really big show. I buffed and put the green projects back together and staged for posting.

The trunk was sanded then it and a chunky coffee table, magazine rack, old show shine kit and cane chair got a scrub and rinse. The stinky coffee table got a coat of BIN smell killer, hopefully that will help as it still smells.

 always repairs
I was taking inventory, pricing, tagging and packing my wares when Britt got home with dog food and a new Bailey's for me (seems the previous got left in the Buick and is at the airport). She got ready and was off to the city by 5 to workout with Shaina just as a huge windstorm rolled in... GRRRRRR eventually about 20 drops of rain blew thru and eventually calmed later in the evening.

Back to the garage to start spray painting.. of course what is a day of painting without issues; it seems the trunk veneer lifted on the top from being washed .. so repairs on it were underway on it. The milk paint did not want to spray, rather sputtered and caused a mess requiring brushing anyway on all 3 pieces and ended up using the entire bag on just these 3! Brushing the tight magazine rack was a PITA so should have just done so from the start and may have not had half the paint on my hands. And of course my plastic even after being swept and dumped provided fleck of old paint flying everywhere, does not pay to be recycling frugal some days. By 8:30 I called it enough and took a break to update blog and get a bit of food and drink in me.
 new Homeright sprayer cleaning kit and seal, lets hope they work
 dam veneer, so dislike pieces in veneer
Then I was back out putting a 2nd coat on all 3 pieces, time for a hot bath I think. Britt was home around 11:30 having slow start Thursday tomorrow!

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