Wednesday, April 22, 2015

earth day

today is earth day! I am proud to say my line of work is very pro earth day both with my refinishing and ranch completion ;) Sheldon made coffee and eventually he took a hike around the field with his gun to check for gophers finding none out this lovely morn.
I looked out front door to see mat missing, then from bedroom saw allot of attention to north end of house.. so grabbed camera and checked, sure enough I found my mat! and source of attention
 a dog shaking a mat to its death causes rapt attention, the whole gang came over
 till Lola spotted me and said, "heh I just found your mat!" gee thanks
Prince and I headed to town with the horse trailer on a mission to retrieve. First stop a Craftsman replaced ratchet, great warranty there, fill with petro, stop at first furniture place to grab some chunky pine pieces. Next was a bag of 56 handles, this should come in handy in the future I hope. Bank deposit and a free birthday Booster juice, then on to furniture pick up #2. The last stop was UFA for pasture gates.

As we pulled into the yard, Shaina was in the ditch with a loose Pepper. Looking towards the house you could see a busted rail, since the horse trailer was behind, Shaina grabbed a bridle which turned out to big but dangled around his next and rode him home while I drove her jeep.

Time to haul in all treasures, grab some lunch, Sheldon showered and was off to Calgary to an oil show hospitality event. The cream retro end table gal arrived for pick up then Shaina and I caught horses (she rode Baby and ponied KD while I rode Hawk) and set out on a lovely ride although by now the wind was back up. Once back we set to making them pretty trimming bridle paths and completely roaching KD making her look sleek and trim. I also trimmed up Baby before we let them out.
I brought in the coffee table and staged it up, Shaina was off just before 5 so I enjoyed a few Miss Vicky's then had some soup for dessert ;)

 this dog does not need cushions or a fancy bed, she likes gravel ;)
all of these basically new cans saved from landfill

Time to finish Sharon's wood organizer up with clear and dark wax. I also took a few pictures and sorted thru the paint I got a few days back. Julio got his food, as did the cats, then remembered the horses needed salt and minerals then toss Diego some frozen mango which he LOVED before bringing him in for bed. Britt drove in as he was on his way in finishing her shift at 9. She brought me 13 evergreen seedlings from a friend who got for me for earth day, THANKS Cheryl!
The wind picked up, hope it is bringing rain is all I can say! The blog got 3 days updated, Britt caught up on shows and since it was a drinking event Sheldon took his toothbrush for a sleepover at a friends. Happy Earth day one and all, take care of this earth it is all we have, REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE!! I add RESTYLE & RELOVE

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