Friday, April 17, 2015

food poisoning

Friday morning was not as early but I was up and had coffee on contemplating checking the rummage sale on day two. After answering emails and putting the turkey bones on to make some yummy healthy soup, I was out the door by 9 to see what new treasures were to be found.

Of course I found a few and made another donation to the church efforts. A quick stop at the TIOLI had a bunch of new cans of paint loaded before I grabbed Julio some more senior feed at UFA and was back home in just over an hour. The sun was out but the wind was high again ;(

Time to get busy in the garage but first I staged the nightstand.

The coffee table got buffed and dark wax added. I scrubbed the yellow chair from my Great Grandma up ready to paint. Mom messaged she was in town at the chiropractor and was bringing out Tims. I said to grab a sandwich as I had not much in the fridge and I myself just ate the last hard boiled Easter egg. This would be a very bad mistake on my part.

I made up Julio's food and when she arrived I took her out to see the barn updates including spray foam and feed him. She also saw with her own eyes the tree damage but by now my tummy was starting to wrench. It got worse but a reprieve allowed me to finish chopping veggies for the soup and she and I visited until we could find the cats who were MIA in the wind. Eventually I saw Ralph, he would be our first victim in the cat shearing event.
He was not really wanting to be party to this game and after 2 hours we stopped to eat some soup. My back started to ache like crazy feeling like it was seized even with my essential oil remedies I grabbed some Tylenol. I was also freezing but spying Mr J, we headed back out to start him However it was not long and I could feel myself going faint and getting nauseous. I would take breaks sitting down but eventually I told mom I had to go and be sick. Then my hand went all numb and pinchy and made holding the clippers very hard. When the nausea hit again I bowed out, headed in the house where I filled the tub with hot water and bailed in. This helped the cold and pain but still felt like crap. Mom kindly finished a bit more scissor trimming on J then came in and washed up dishes. She visited with me as I laid in bed but had to get to town for dog food before the pet store closed at 9 so would just stay the night at the Paetz house.

 Mr J far more relaxed, would lay out on his own which helped, Ralph sat watching unimpressed
Here is Lola's hiding spot for her stuffy, hahaha

I tried to start the series Madmen but I continued to feel awful so quit just after Britt got home from work. She ate soup and put the rest in the fridge and headed downstairs as I called it a night.. what a bad idea eating that egg was. It had a green/black edge to the yolk that I examined and thought that looks odd but maybe overcooked and ate anyway. It did not taste bad but it sure did a number in less than an hour and took me out for most of the rest of the day ;(

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