Wednesday, January 1, 2014

981 - Happy New Year 2014

Day 981  was an early start to the new year. Seems some of Britt's guests were not feeling so well so called parent to come. One started a vehicle just after 8,Ada was up a bit before which had me statled to a baby crying at first :-) The parent arrived and loaded up kids and took the vehicle home around 8:30. Asher and Craig came up at 9 so I went out and made coffee.
Amanda and Ada joined us for a visit. Soon our kind neighbor was coming up the drive plowing the snow. Sheldon then decided he too could come join us and started a fire. Shaina arrived home after keeping Samara company at the Paetz's. Seems they did a house swap that worked well for both sides. Sheldon made melted ham and cheese biscuits for brunch. Britt joined the visiting circle after Kyra headed home.
Matt returned to have a coffee and bring Oscar for a play date. Paetz's packed up and headed home just after 12:30. Matt and Sheldon played some pool.
I worked on glazing the mirror then painted the dresser base. Sheldon went out in the gorgeous weather at zero to push snow and shovel from the sidewalks. The girls even went out and snapped some horse photos. By the time the sun was dropping so was the temperatures going down to -13.
 half and whole glazed

Kaylin and Aaron arrived at 5 as Sheldon and I were relaxing in front of the fire, me blogging and him surfing the net. After a wee visit and them opening a few gifts they went to TV room and joined the other 2 girls. I started the annual seafood preparations, this year crab, shrimp and the newest addition calamari with salad, roasted asparagus and rice as sides.  It was scrumptiously delicious as usual!

The evening continued with a  pool tournament before Kaylin's left at 10 and a canasta game played out till after midnight!

 funny hat and hair photos

 guitar seranade

Happy New year 2014!!!

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