Saturday, November 30, 2013

949 - trampoline goes to new home and I build IKEA

Day 949 I awoke to sunshine at 8:45 but it was short lived. The rest of the day was overcast but nice enough hovering around zero. I worked on the yellow window frame scrubbing it up with TSP, distressing and darkening it with stain 2 coats before letting it dry overnight.

I snapped a few staging photos of the night table and posted online

It was a nice day, I even took the tree box and Halloween pumpkin to storage trailer in my hoody!

Around 3 the fellow who came to buy the trampoline arrived minutes before the fellows picking up furniture. Diego was beside himself trying to meet and greet everyone. It took the dad about 2 hours to dissasemble the tramp and be on his way.
Diego and the horses need to supervise
Britt took the dogs for a walk and cut me some fresh evergreen for the crate I finished waxing and staged

Shaina was off to the city for a party and sleepover at Shannon's at 5 and Britt picked up a friend and headed to the mall to shop and take in Frozen. The early show was sold out so they had to shop, waste time and go to the 10:30 one but loved it.

I started at 6 building the 2 IKEA shelving units I bought and gutting the office. I love building things and organizing so for me the time flew by. I watched my PVR series Reign while building and around 10:30 after building the last one and putting in the office, I jumped in bed and finished a couple more. Britt got home after 1 am as I was playing a couple candy crush games to finish my relaxation time! 
 getting busy
 the before disaster..
 everything was moved out
 the shelf height tested for photo albums
and the 2nd one built brought in and both leveled.. fantastic night of building and organizing

I was so busy tonight I forgot I had an auction ending, not even giving notice but it ended ok and is off to Ft Mac too.

Friday, November 29, 2013

948 - more furniture scores!

948, today is black Friday and although I was awake at , it was nothing compared to Kaylin having to BE at work for 5:30 am! I got up and with coffee in hand put the first coat of varathane on the purple table and dry buffed the yellow rack.

Shaina made it home at 10:30 as Britt and I were getting ready to head out to start furniture pickups. First one ended up being at a Lammle's co-worker of Britt's.
Once unloaded we grabbed at bite to eat, I put the jewelry box together and snapped some photos before we loaded up and were off to town to grab a children s  bedroom set. Shaina was getting ready and would set off to work for 1 at the gym.

We made a stop at Amanda's to visit with her and Asher for an hour, Ada just fell asleep before we got there and awoke just after we left, Morphy's law! Quick stop to reload on "creamer" and rum, grab a tea and off to the ranch to unload the bedroom set. Time to get busy, putting another coat on the purple table and waxing the yellow rack, buffed and staged some photos then a 3rd coat on the top of the table while putting hardware back on the drawers. I love it when it is the put back together time and see the final project.
Shaina stayed in after work to go out with Emily and Britt headed to town to hang out with Amber and Kira at 6 leaving me all alone to work on furniture and eat chips for supper!
pretty purple
 the girls think I should be a work studio.. what you think?? Sheldon you could park in the garage again?
I finished the night off doing accounting and watching more PVR shows like last night! And I am very happy to say that the entire day stayed right around zero.. high of plus 2 and only -1 even at 10 pm

Thursday, November 28, 2013

947 - Fog like pea soup day

Day 947, the fog rolled in just before midnight and when the alarm went at 7:30 it was still as thick as pea soup. I told Britt I would drive her to school today. It was -13 heading to town and never got much warmer than -10 even though Calgary was +10.

Happy Thanksgiving to our USA family!

At lunch I ran and picked up a couple more items I won on the bidding site, grabbed some stuff at Rona and Walmart. Can you believe no where in town has plain old chalk?? My last resort is Michaels, hard to make chalk boards with no chalk.
The fog was finally starting to lift as I drove home from work. I gave Diego his cartrophen shot and touched up the jewelry box. Shaina had ran to town to the gym in the afternoon but was home soon after me. We ate left overs for supper then she headed down to get ready to go in for wing night
Britt went to the city dress shopping with 3 friends after school .
I got to work wet distressing the jewelry box then the magazine rack then put wax on the jewel box. A young girl dropped off a really cute old window for me to do a bit to for her Mom for Christmas, how sweet. Shaina was off to town around 8:30 and hopes Britt will drive her and or her car home tonight but Britt was driven home at 9:30, she stayed in town :-)
The temperatures continued to warm thru the evening hitting +1 at midnight!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

946 - project paint day

Day 946, I began my day with a coffee and painting 2nd coat of purple on the night table and 2nd red on the jar. Shaina grabbed a quick cup as she headed to town for doctor appointment at 9 am close behind Britt to school. Shaina grabbed a few groceries and worked out at the gym before getting home before lunch. She made some soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.. perfect as I was starving. I also started painting the magazine rack the soft butter yellow APC paint, heavens light.
Kaylin sent a message asking if Lexi could come play, who can turn down this face?
They arrived around 2 for a little visit before Kaylin went to town at 4 to meet Gail for supper. She helped me load the yellow desk into the storage trailer before she left. What a gorgeous day even at plus 1, sunshine makes it all good.! I scrubbed up another set of salt and pepper shakers and painted them in 2 coats of... fireworks red
and put another coat on the yellow magazine rack
Shaina had a friend out for a visit, lots of laughing was heard from the basement. Britt tried taking all 3 dogs for a walk when home from school but it was short due to Lexi not being smart off leash near any roads :-). Lexi however gets her fair share of exercise in when she visits the ranch. She even took on Diego for one of his big bones but was unsuccessful :-(
Britt painted numbers on another ruler for me as I put first coat of beach glass on the smaller darker jewelry box and we watched Ellen. Shaina was off to the city to take in Bad Grandpa movie with a friend.
Lexi chillin with Coco-nut
Kaylin and Gail stopped out to pickup Gail's goodies and Lexi and had a quick visit before heading back to town where Kaylin was getting Aaron and they were heading home.I glazed the night stand and the salt and peppers before heading inside to work on the blog.

However I got sidetracked after posting a few pictures of Amanda's latest crochet projects on my page. The response was crazy so I spent a few hours and helped her set up a facebook page to share and sell her wares.
aren't these so cute!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

945 - a beauty balmy day in November

Day 945 Prince Ali drove himself to the airport since he is on nights and gets off early next Tuesday making hard for others to pick him up. He was out the door a bit before the usual time at 3:55 stopping to check the mail for raffle tickets he hoped to take to his work site. Canada post shone thru taking 10 DAYS to come from Calgary to us.. go figure! This leaves us about 2 weeks to sell and get the stubs back to the city for the pressure!
 this was what I awoke to..great way to start the day.. they are forecasting a chinook today too. I snuck off from work to meet a lady to purchase these brand new candle sticks I plan to upcycle and grabbed teas for the ladies at work.
I also quickly mailed off the salt and peppers off to St Albert and greyhounded the ruler to Edmonton.

Shaina was my home representative today when the lady who bought the mirror yesterday came for pickup around 11. Thanks Shaina! She is off to work at the gym at 3 again today.
After work I dropped eggs off at Amanda's after finding yet another free range egg seller then off to pick up another win from the bidding site, a desk that matches the dresser, trunk and bed frame I bought this summer and had Sheldon bring home from the city! Cool heh??

I quickly did a deposit and grabbed the new Himilayan Twist Booster Juice and rated it YUMMY! before heading home. Britt was already home just chillaxin! She did go get J out of the garage and check cat food and put a pizza in for supper :-) The chinook raised temperatures to only about plus 4 but we did not get the wind which was even better!!
 I got to work on the night stand finishing sanding and cleaning
before I put first coat of purple on. I was contemplating the french blue but purple won out. I am going to put 2 coats on and follow up with a black wash for a sultry edgy feel.
I also put a 3rd wax coat on the last ruler and affixed the hanger, washed up the magazine rack for paint tomorrow and decided the colors of these two beauties.. left is going to be beach glass and right.. no decision yet.. ideas??
I also found this note while cleaning.. way to go B!!