Monday, October 21, 2013

909 - started hutch number 3

Day 909, horses out just after 8 and I put them back in just before 8 at night. The days off are very similar, Britt heads to school, I let out horses, feed the dogs and grab a coffee with "creamer" and then create.. great days I must say.

However there is always clean, tidy and laundry and accounting; necessary but evil. There is also check email for sales and look for new stock and staging but those parts are fun. I posted the white S&P shakers for auction but so far no bites.. guess others in this area are not like the north country where they sell for $90/set
Today I waxed the desk chair only to find I forgot to paint the chair back, small area but too funny.
 cute drawer has chalk board finish
 the set all ready for a new home
Then it was on to the new hutch; removing hardware, gluing, filling missing wood areas and such. Shaina was up late but not feeling well, she did manage to get up and help me take the top of the hutch down so I could start the wash down. Then she left at 3:30 for work but was home by 5:30 after being sick in the kitchen home to bed! The county assessor stopped too but he honked so I would go out to answer questions, seems he has a big fear of our puppy!!
 Britt worked after school till 8.
 I used my new favorite pepper grinder to make a delicious turkey casserole for supper.. very large for dinner for 1!!

 I brought this back yesterday when I got the chair out of storage.. here you have it, Halloween at the ranch!
 Then it was relax time watching some of my favorite series. But it is a challenge to find Dexter season 7 online.. grrrr come on Netflix!

It said 20 degrees today but not so sure as my gardener may have placed the sensor where it may get some direct contact at some point in the day :-) but whatever it was gorgeous for Oct 21!

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