Sunday, October 20, 2013

908 - overcast day, perfect for waxing! furniture that is ;-0)

Day 908.. Britt off to work again for 8 and Shaina up soon after to leave for her tournament shift @ 10. The day started with sunshine as I let the horses out and gave Diego his shot but by 10 it was clouded over :-(, guess into the garage I go but not before I marketed my auction and few items for sale with a warm cup of coffee and special creamer.

today was waxing the desk which took about 3 hours, then staged it..then retrieved and painted the matching chair. Thank goodness for Walking Dead company
what a difference the wax makes

 this chair seen some serious abuse, and nail polish and paint.. but it will look like new in no time
Waxed the pepper grinders and S&P set again. I cannot say how much I LOVE my new grinder, shape, color, size.. so gorgeous!! (below is mine)
below is another painted a BURST of color and dark waxed ready for sale or auction
Once home from work, Britt watched TV and Shaina walked the dogs then watched some of Walking Dead with me as I cooked and we all ate supper. Matt was over a couple times today using the skid steer and each time bringing Oscar for a play date, good thing he had his shot with all todays exercise.

I also had another growth ruler order and inquiries for more for Xmas. I best get some boards painted up

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