Friday, October 11, 2013

899 - 1/2" rain

Day 899 was a flex Friday so all had a sleep in. Shaina was up and off to work for 11. The rain gauge said 1/2" total for yesterday and thru the night, perfect!

I got to work in the garage waxing the table and mirror, trying dark wax on the top of the table, hated it so repainted!
above clear wax, you can see it darkens the color but below the dark wax seemed muddy
I also stripped....
 sanded ....
and washed a desk project, so cute and SOLID wood, dove tail drawer, think I will swap out for one I have
After a long morning of coffee and candy crush then lunch, Sheldon harrowed the paddocks and winter pasture but left the "rubber" lock off the gate, as Shaina got home from work around 4 the horses let themselves out. I stopped him, took the quad and chased them back in, Britt and Diego tried to assist but were too slow. Britt and Shaina then went to Matt's to check on the horses there.

A lady who is wanting the geometric table stopped with her son to confirm the color and finish. Once all was confirmed I painted the multi picture frame I just bought.

Shaina took Gail and Mike out for a ride at 5
A young lady stopped to pickup my ikea table, it sold in a few hours after posting..
After supper I went out and put wax on the top of the table then fiddled with the picture frame yet some more. Shaina showered up and headed to Cassidy's for a girls night sleepover and Britt went to watch her TV while Sheldon and I watched Breaking Bad time. Early sunsets make for less ambition to do things in the evening but does allow for more TV show catching up! :-)

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