Sunday, October 13, 2013

901 - signature blue day

Day 901.. sunny Sunday starts with coffee and "creamer" in bed watching more Breaking Bad episodes. For this I am thankful, life is good!!

Britt was up and off to town to meet a lady for her first online garage sale purchase, she was sweet enough to go fetch groceries for the salad I will make for tomorrows big Kuhn family dinner. Thanks Britt!!

Just before 11 we got moving, Sheldon to move more dirt around the yard and me to projects in the garage. Today, the coffee table I washed up last night, painting it signature blue, a bright pop of color after all my white projects of late

 goodbye old dated orangy oak
glaze the big heavy mirror then hand buff to reveal some gold then brought in for staging after dry
painted a base for custom order sign
Shaina kindly took the dogs for a walk around 1, still feeling her alcohol allergy as she claims to have. My suggestion is if an allergy she must stay away from it like a bee hive hahaha. She then headed off to work for 2.
Sheldon added this bad boy to his lunch.. watermelon beer.. YUCK, tastes like a watermelon jolly rancher but he liked it! 8.5% and the size of 2 beers in 1  I think is why !!

After lunch I put a 2nd coat of blue on the coffee table and sign then painted the solid wood desk.. signature blue too but this one I am going to try a new technique with the stain to make it look older
Once done all my furniture I had Britt help catch a couple horses so I could trim feet, today it was Beck and Hawk's turn.
I snapped a few photos of the recent family sign; staging, photographs and posting are a huge part of the furniture business as well, marketing to get new items and sell current ones takes up as much time as the prep and painting does, good thing I like photography and computers :-)
here is the dirt pile all gone by the end of the day, it sure looks different, one more big one to go!
The geometrical table buyers stopped out just before I got buy making my Japanese salad for tomorrows dinner.
jumbo bowl!!

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