Friday, October 18, 2013

906 - more sales and projects

Day 906 I was up early thinking of how to move and finish more furniture. Britt took my last family sign to the mail on her way to school, thanks Britt! I fed dogs and let out horses to graze before putting another coat of wax on the flour sack inspired coffee table (or racing stripe). I staged a few pictures and posted and it was sold within minutes.

Our internet service continues to be an issue, hard to watch Netflixs last night.. dang! Today they claim to have fixed it, lets see. I sold some more items for Kaylin to help her car insurance debt ;-)

The table buyer sent her husband to pick it up at noon, whew quick transaction. Shaina got showered and ready to head off to work for 2. Since the sun was out and not as much wind she has fingers crossed she can get some hours in as this job is nearing its end. She is going to stay with Kaylin tonight.

I spent the day when not vacuuming and washing clothes, working on new projects. Today it is smaller items like 3 sets salt and pepper shakers, a gold mirror and custom ordered growth ruler.
 planned colors
 change of plans ;-)
and this one is a quandary, I sent out an email to get votes, Amanda chose purple, Shaina chose red and Kaylin said for sure... white! I thought classic white but love the idea of pop of color but the blue above left is mine and it will be a pop of color, what will be more desired by the buying masses? Votes anyone??
I found new stencils for the name part but hand painted the numbers and markings on my 11th growth chart

Britt put horses in in between shows but did join me for chili I made for supper.

Sharon kindly picked up paint from Cochrane and dropped off on way home from Stewart's funeral. Thank you!!, this is the black I have been waiting for. Pricey, at just under $50/quart, it is the nicest chalk paint I have used. The mirror above was just wiped with a wet cloth to reveal the gold, simple and easy.
It is 11 pm and I am off to watch more Walking Dead, just starting season 2, anyone else watch this?

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