Thursday, September 26, 2013

883 - Sheldon gets the early flight home

Day 883 was a mass confusion start. Yesterday Sheldon got lucky and could get out of work early arriving home on the 11:30 am flight. I was to work for Coreena in the morning for an appt she had then run to the city to pick him up. Since it moved earlier I could not make my dermatologist appt so cancelled it and said he would just have to wait until I finished at noon and then would run into the city. However he text at 7:30 he got an earlier one and would be in Calgary at 9:30!! Well this changed a few more things.. Coreena managed to get her appt moved, a lady coming to work to drop a purchase off had to be postponed, another |I was to meet at the airport to sell ornate frames had to be changed and by 8:20 I was out the door, ahead of Britt heading to school.

I stopped quick to grab a tea and drop Vance's birthday card in the mail, fingers crossed it took the fast pony express to get to Oyen by Monday. Then off to the airport where the northern worker was ready for pickup. We made a couple quick stops at Costco and Home Sense (my 2 favorite stores) before heading for the ranch arriving by 11:30. Time to unload grab some lunch then I was off to work. Sheldon was off to nap after such a "hard" day.

After work I snapped this picture as I pulled into the yard. Sheldon has awoke and is loading the pit trash to move to Matt's burn pit, yeah!
I worked on accounting until supper of barbecued sausage. Britt arrived home from school tuckered out from Terry Fox run and slept until supper then retreated to TV room again. Sheldon watched pilot of Breaking Bad to catch up then he and I watched the 2nd episode. It was a struggle for him so after it ended he went to sleep.. at 8:45 pm :-) and I watched Dexter. Shaina arrived home at 12:30 after a day in the city with Gail then work till close.

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