Tuesday, September 17, 2013

874 - deck painting

Day 874 Britt and I were off to our respective jobs :-) Sheldon slept in spending morning watering trees and grading the road. Shaina too slept in getting up at noon and lounging around until work at 3.

During my lunch break I ran to pick up frames and an end table I purchased online as well as deposit some more earnings!! (ok some was bales sales.. ok more was :-) I also spent about half an hour perusing Rona grabbing..RED paint and picture wire. Sadly the wood for growth rulers was terrible :-(

After work I picked up the mail before heading home to grab a 4-H measure stick running it to Sharon. Sheldon was busy painting the face of the deck. He started this just after lunch and was nearing the end. By 5 He was done enjoying the cold beverages of his efforts!
 the painter
 my treasures and the finished paint
Britt was driving in as I was running to Stouts and she spent the usual rest of the day in the basement coming up to eat a smokie supper with Sheldon and I. The day was sunny and 23 which was higher than the forecasted 12 but they say rain will come in, we say bring it! It was however breezy, not as windy as last few days but not calm. Shaina was home from work around 10:30, getting in the last few days of work.

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