Friday, September 6, 2013

863 - its a blue project day!

Day 863, well the rain finally did start last night around 11, Shaina was home from work at midnight and it rained off and on thru the night but by morning you would never know, it really did not amount to anything sadly. About 1/10th when I checked the gauge. There is hope more will come today.

Sheldon sent a wakeup text at 8, Britt was up getting ready for school and Shaina's alarm went off soon after as she works at 9:30. I got up and started my day too, this time with a chai tea. Shaina shared her cheesed scrambled eggs too, what a kind girl. On her way to work Shaina text the moldy bales were in a stupid place as the horses were eating them. I drove down and sure enough, 6 of them had tore into one as well as torn the bark of the poplar tree planted there.. just trouble. I drove back to the house and got the electric tape and stakes and assembled a temporary fence but it was hard as the ground is like cement.

I went to the shop to polish the one end table before the lady arrived just after 10:30 to pick both end tables up. Interestingly she had a 2 month old baby and when I asked the baby's name she hesitated.. Zoe.. well it was Layla but we recently changed it! NO WAY, first I ever heard but each to their own!

I spent the day working in there waxing furniture, painting small items like frames, key rack and a wooden lazy susan. it was a sea of blues.... my favorite!


 I mixed up a custom dark wax batch this time with my stain, here is without and with
I also spray painted the hardware for the Tiffany dresser. Last night I did one flat black and one oil rubbed bronze but chose the flat black in keeping with the simplicity of the dresser.

Britt came home to retreat to the TV room. A native customer stopped just before 5 to PREPAY half his next load of 20 bales. He was back soon tooting his horn (he is scared of Diego so wont get out) and let me know the horses had pushed thru the fence and were back in the moldy hay. GRRRRR, Britt jumped in to help me go shoo them out and tighten up the wire and put the poles back up.

By now I needed a shower. Rob dropped the trailer off just before 6 and just before 7 a brief rain came in, like 20 drops per inch :-(. I decided that today would be a good baking evening even though it was 25 this afternoon. I made zucchini brownies. shredding extra and freezing for future baking.
Shaina spent the evening helping Gail redecorate a bathroom after work and got home at midnight just as the rain started to drizzle. I may have played candy crush till about 1 but I finally past another silly level that had me stuck for weeks.

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