Wednesday, September 4, 2013

861 - 31 degrees and still DRY!!

Day 861 was a beauty day hitting peak at 31, on the down side it is soooo dryyyy. They are calling for rain this w/e, guess we wait and see. I was up at 8 when Britt was getting ready to leave for school. I made coffee and updated the blog. Prince Ali took advantage of his last sleep in day and took his spiked coffee after 9:30

His project was to unload the quad trailer that was piled with crap for the last year. I also forgot he did have a project yesterday, removing the posts around the old bale stack. He thought it a good idea to  take some of the crappy old bales to the pit but with horses they re always curious and at 9 pm he was out checking a few times to see they were not into it. He also sprayed another tank of weed spray around today in hopes of getting them before they seed.

My entire day was spent in the garage and yet again many lessons learned, the learning curve does not stop. Do not apply clear wax over dark, don't try and be a perfectionist with dark wax or you eventually repaint and start over after hours of trying to fix, don't be a perfectionist in most wood working as it is just that; work. I tried to color wax over the little kids table and that lesson was colored wax dries fast, those rubbing patterns stay and look like crap so again repaint and start over. But I did go with aged to on round table as suggested by Sheldon however touch up on legs causes repainting of them too! I did start a new dresser with a custom paint. I was going to paint very light green but ended up mixing a custom color.. yes Tiffany blue!
 glossy or aged..went aged in keeping with the knicks and such in the table
 this is the green I was going to paint dresser but instead made this color
 another step closer to done.. but wait not quite!
I finished up around 5 and realized the blinds were still open, note to self.. on 31 degree day be sure blinds closed ALL day, the night was unbearable in our room. I had chicken stock brewing so made soup for supper then went back out to poly the table legs and purple table top where I made yet another error trying to fix a week mark, dang my perfectionism!!

Shaina home from work at 7 then left again at 730 with Diego panting in the backseat to take him for a walk with Gail, she brought him home at 10 but forgot phone so went back in. We watched Amazing Race Canada and tried to get sleep but not well in the heat.

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