Saturday, June 15, 2024

We got rain!

It seems like a rainy day might be in store, or at least that's the hope. I found myself awake early once more with H; it appears my new usual waking time is now 6:30... quite early, but I suppose it's alright in the summer. I managed to finish a coffee before the prince arose to have his.

I forgot to share these photos from last Friday of Renn checking out her new cottage all put together

today she has work to do 

This morning, my task involved cleaning, scrubbing, and preparing the lights and registers for painting. The water turned filthy as it drained from the sink, but the results were worth it—they looked much better. I laid everything out to dry outside. Britt dropped off Gulliver and Cooper mid-morning before heading to a work event. S connected the ranger and used the paddock blade on the house pen. While attempting to take some photos, I got distracted by weeding and transplanting sunflowers in the large garden. Afterwards, I came inside to make mushroom soup for lunch.

so dirty!!

After lunch, I sprayed the pieces a fresh, crisp white. A bit of rain hurried me to move my projects inside. While waiting for a coat to dry, I helped S choose which evergreens to fertilize and gathered some tools for him before returning to apply more coats. They look great now—paint really does change everything. :) S started the swather to charge its dead battery, hoping it will be necessary for use next week. I also forgot to share a cute video Shaina sent after she moved to Ottawa. Go back and check it out - 1st video of the day.

the insides were stuffed so not painted

registers flipped over - before and after

S came in hitting big brown and his phone. The rain started as a few drizzles, but by 4:45, it began to pour down heavily. Since the garage was filled with the fumes of spray paint, I fed Cooper in the kennel and H on the front deck. Blog work was up next for me. 

I retreated to the bedroom to watch Bridgerton while S started a fire and settled in to view the major hockey match in the living room. B returned at 6:30. With the rain persisting, she covered Bird with a rain sheet and fed her in the shelter. The honey crisp apple tree branch I had weighed down caught my attention, and I feared it had snapped. After putting on a raincoat, I went out to inspect it. Everything was intact, but I loosened it to reduce the tension. I brought soft food to the cats, but they were absent. Concurrently, B was searching for Gully. I encountered J at the house, escorted him to the barn, and delivered her cat kennel as she cleaned Roo's muzzle. She packed up her pets and departed shortly thereafter.

Mom arrived at 8:30 after stopping by Paetz's for a bite to eat after her drive. She spent time with Sheldon, who was watching the Oilers' game, much to his chagrin. I cleaned up the paint overspray and the damp shelf, a result of leaving the garage window open. Then, I moved on to updating today's blog. S dashed out to check the gauge at 9:30 and found it had recorded 1 and 2/10 inches so far. I returned to watching Bridgerton until Travis showed up just before 10. He chatted briefly with Sheldon, and then we all turned in for the night.

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