Wednesday, June 26, 2024

600 Small squares moved off

I've been updating the blog with numerous photos and details from the past few days. Dave resumed picking at 11:30. Today, some of his workers will join him, but only after they finish their work at the track. S took over driving duties to assist him during his solo picking. I watered all the indoor plants as the wind was howling. Afterwards, I started writing a tutorial for the coffee table.

On Wednesdays in June Kaylin looked after this little buddy getting a good feel for life with twins :)

S returned with Dave off to unload an hour later. After enjoying some leftover pizza, he settled down with his laptop. Once I finished and published, I shared the stained coffee table tutorial everywhere. B left just before 2, while S organized the shop and I watered the basement plants. She browsed her phone over lunch. I went to work on the custom pieces, filling spots and attaching hardware. B invited me to go riding. Despite the strong wind, the horse's need for exercise prevailed. We rode around the hay field as S began stacking the bales with the skid steer and brought our 20 closer to the house.

more intentional dings and holes filled even after 2 coats

Dave and a crew of five arrived just as we were wrapping up our ride at 3:30. B and I trimmed hooves—she worked on Roo's back hooves, and I handled Switch's front and some of the back. I towed the ranger loaded with bales to the shop. We released the horses into the house pasture to graze on the leftover hay. B took care of feeding Bird and replenishing the minerals while I returned to work on custom pieces. After sanding and touch-ups, I attached the remaining hardware. True to B's prediction, raindrops began to fall at 5 but quickly ceased. The anticipated 28-degree day fell short with a high of only 23, under cloudy skies and amidst strong winds. She left with her animals at 5:30, and Dave's crew departed around the same time to unload, with S and I finishing our tasks and heading inside at 6.

my hot tub view

I stepped out for a quick hot tub session after enjoying a leftover chicken kabob. S prepared a salad to go with pizza and watched the news, then settled in with a book for a while. After showering, I headed to town after 7 to check on the rental property's progress. The baseboards are being installed, most of the painting is complete, and new moldings are on one door while another is prepped, following mold removal earlier today. I cleaned up piles of shavings and debris, disposing of them in the bin. There's still much to do on their part, including the stairs.

the photos of behind the door trim at back door this am!! OMG

progress on back (L) and front (R)

baseboards on in master

not sure I am a fan of this look but was not part of this decision 

I returned to the ranch by 9 as Dave and his team secured the final load. It seems about six remain from the initial 600. I continued watching "America's Sweethearts" while updating the blog. S was outdoors, bagging the stucco crew's trash and stowing it in the truck. He changed the hot tub filters and cleaned the green, grimy edges before heading inside to browse his phone in bed. Outside, a lightning display lit up the sky as the wind intensified. Rain began at 11 but was short-lived.

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