Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Hot tub filled after 2 weeks

Happy birthday Nathan!

Renn enjoying her yogurt... Kaylin says perhaps she needs a bib with just eye holes :)

I woke up after 6, made coffee, and watched a few episodes of Glow Up before starting my computer work. S's foot was hurting, so he ended up sleeping on the couch and then in the spare room, which led to him sleeping in until after 8. He had a couple of coffees and then left to return the rented stock trailer after 8:30. The ground and plants were damp but when the gauge was checked not much rain showed. I fed Har late again and sprayed the bleed thru areas on the custom pieces with spray. He returned within an hour, and we began leveling the hot tub and filling it. While it filled, I removed the strawberry and asparagus plants that hadn't shown any growth, although I decided to leave seven asparagus plants on the south side to see if they would grow.

While waiting for the tub to fill, S managed to snipe a few gophers. I tended to the garden, weeding and planting additional cucumber and zucchini seeds. It's a beautiful sunny day, warming up to 13 degrees by noon. We headed inside for lunch just as Britt arrived with her dog and cat. I prepared fresh spinach salads for us while she cleaned the far water trough. Afterwards, she took Roo for a ride.

After lunch, I began applying mulch, which necessitated weeding first, then shoveling the mulch into the wheelbarrow to spread over the designated areas. S resumed his watch over the filling hot tub after resting in 'big brown,' then began mowing the lawn. It will be 2 weeks on Friday since we drained the hot tub. It will be nice to have it back up and running. B dropped off her pets before heading to an appointment. I removed the "Brittany" tree stump since it hadn't survived. Attempting to remove "Steve," I found it required more shoveling than I could manage.

Armed with cold beverages, we both set to weeding the island, tossing the dandelions to the horses. S took a few phone calls while I worked on the back flower bed. He treated the hot tub with Spa Marvel and started heating it, then came to help with the weeding and filled a wheelbarrow for me to distribute. After feeding the dogs post-5 PM, we settled in for some leftovers and pepperoni, having forgotten to take anything out for dinner.

B returned before 6 to feed the horses. S headed to town to return a sprinkler and visited the rental before his rodeo meeting to monitor progress. I contacted Rona for baseboard pricing and availability since we require 200 feet. S sent pictures of rental progress back, liking the new paint color.

master flooring finished

That is our house paint color in the rental, I like!

2nd black coat on counter

bathroom walls patched and no change in spare room

Dining room wall painted and partial flooring in living room. We opted to go with builder grade paint after using the 2 gallons of high end. I asked them to use those in the high traffic area.

2nd black coat on fireplace

B headed home after 6 while I was back in the garden. The mulch looks wonderful when it's fresh. At 7, Sharon came out to measure her saddle, feed Timba, and take my saddle to her dad for a check-up. The evening was incredible, with no wind and a beautiful golden hour. She left after 8, and I resumed my mulching. After finishing, I weeded the garden, planted scarlet runner beans, additional zucchini, and relocated some sunflowers. I also put in the last of the yellow onions and scallions behind the shed, where I had taken out the asparagus. Harley was brushed before I headed inside past 9. With the mosquitoes now hungry, it was time to retreat indoors.

I always have assistants when I work outside

I spent time uploading the blog photos from yesterday and working on today's. Afterwards, I went outside to disbud the young peony plants, having watched a YouTube tutorial. Next, I fertilized all the plants and planters. What a beautiful summer solstice night. While I was watering them, S returned home just before 10 o'clock from his meeting and beers. He cooked up a grilled cheese and bowl of apple crisp and maple walnut ice cream for second supper. I added more pictures to yesterday then published it before finished up downloading/editing/watermarking/uploading today's photos before heading to bed at 11. It is Renn day tomorrow!! <3

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