Monday, September 4, 2023

Project progress

Holiday Monday had Harley wanting out after 7. I was letting Gulliver out when B let out Coop. Soon after rain started!!! Good timing pets. It is smoky but the rains are so welcome. Time for coffee. The rain turned to a drizzle but still helps?? B tended to Timba then back to her room. S worked on adding water to hot tub and cleaned filters. I added a coat of warm white paint to the rolling pin and one cake plate.

I was off to town before 11. Of course it was raining much harder in town. The smoke smell was strong. Like the rain was pushing it down to earth. It is only 10 degrees out. An Amazon parcel was dropped off, as were library books. A stop at Walmart for cat food and a few groceries had me in the longest lines ever. Holiday Monday of course. Then it was lunch with Dad. He was not hungry at all today. It seems he had a good breakfast. I was back at the house before 1:30. Dave was here visiting with S who had burnt toast for lunch, icky. He and B were off to unload their trailer contents into the storage unit.

I got back to work on projects. The rolling pin and cake stand were given another coat of white after I painted the pink underside of the stands a coat of primer. The pink reflects. S came out and washed the car. He was then back to couch to watch ball and football. I tried to sort another project. The shelf from my cargo trailer was cleaned off and wiped. Inside I made a pot of soup for supper. I staged a vintage metal sifter then posted on Etsy.

Britt and Dave were back around 4. They backed in trailer and took off again. Once back B fed her horse while Dave visited with Sheldon watching the football game. They were off to city for sushi and a movie. S and I ate soup. I worked on marketing. He retrieved his bale moving skid steer and tractor with Matt's help. Time to stage prepping for this weekend's market. Items were tagged and packaged up. The inventory list made. And of course always a touch up or two on pieces.

B and D were back skipping the movie. They watched one in her room instead. S continued with his sports on TV. Once I wrapped up market stuff we actually watched a whole Kaleidoscope episode. Only 4 more to go :) S to sleep and me watching a new series on Netflix.

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