Monday, September 25, 2023

Merc gets a new family

Hot steaming coffee delivered to S in bed. The day looks to be promising but it was short lived. The wind picked up blowing in clouds. Great day to continued indoor fall cleaning. The floors got a proper vacuum and scrub. Bathroom toilets were deep cleaned. Rugs washed. The fireplace ashes cleaned out and vacuumed. B dyed my eyebrows, tinting while I worked. Laundry has continued for a couple days too. Boring old chores.

What the heck!! This little muffin has mastered the roll at 3 months

S was off for shinny after lunch He went a bit early to drop off the tools he borrowed from County Auto. After shinny he will meet the new buyer for the merc. The boat will be missed. This old car was our luxury liner to Disneyland in 2000. Shaina always yearned to own it after Grama P let her drive when young going to the fields. She purchased it from Papa for $1 as her first car. She tells stories of how many friends she could fit in it. (I think it was 8! not including trunk) It kept her safe floating safely into a few ditches after she went off icy roads. It still has the barb wire scratches after she drifted into our fence going out the gate.

Brittany even drove it for a few years as well but found it too big for her liking. Hence her move to a little Jetta. She did fit 4 friends in the trunk just for fun! B headed to town at 2:30 to get the jetta's oil changed.

I finished up the cleaning then wrote a tutorial for the red peg rack. Then to post on all the sites. Fall is when many people add new pieces to their homes. Hoping to move a few things from my products ready to go. Hello Fresh was delivered. Perfect since hot dogs were on the supper list tonight. S dropped the merc off at the new owner's. He is a Ukrainian refugee (with wife and son) who has been here for 9 months. 

B and S were back after 4:30. I cooked up the first HF meal; pork pesto pasta. Very tasty. Our evening hot tub roll continued. I had the usual yogurt bowl but made S piece of apple pie topped with yogurt/fruit/granola. We read for our evening entertainment. 

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