Friday, September 15, 2023

Little Bow camping

I made raspberry jam from the harvest S & B picked. Britt and I went for a ride in the beauty sunshine. Gonna be a nice day. S packed some stuff in the trailer and tidied truck. Once back he and I bathed Harley. She loaded in her back seat as we packed up all the last things to go. We pulled out at 3:30 arriving at Little Bow before 5. It is totally not what I expected but looks nice enough.

Upon unrolling the water hose to fill with water it was found the keys were left at home in the merc No water fill for us. For an hour we checked out the sites. Like everywhere else there is allot of dead trees. The campsite is quite open and sites are all right next to each other. After trying 3 spots, we finally picked one. We updated the campground gal then hiked up the hill to get service and have Britt bring keys.

Back at the trailer slides went out and a fire was built. Aphids were atrocious!! S cooked the smokies over the fire. I mixed a salad and that was supper. Another walk around the campsite with Harley then back to the fire. Evenings cool down fast now. I started a new book after rinsing feet and getting into bed. S stayed at the fire for a bit then called it a night.

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