Thursday, September 21, 2023

BBQ rib night

What a difference a day makes for weather in southern Alberta. Today is full on sun and very lovely. We enjoyed our coffee in bed. S had a new zoom health course running twice a week at 11. While he did that I got to work dark waxing the cedar chest. Sharon was out for the first time in while. I visited with her while helping put horses back.

After a bite of lunch S and I went to wet sand the car door yet again. When it was dry we sprayed it again. Again more spattering but less on the last few passes. I gave Roo some bute. B has an experiment planned to help diagnosis her issues. S loaded his hockey gear and was off to shinny.

It is only 16 out but the full on sun feels warmer. I worked on tutorials loading lots of videos too. Here is a video I missed sharing of the horses from last week. You can see Timba feels much better. Planters and garden watered keeping things alive.

Ribs were cut and put on to simmer for supper. I was just digging potatoes for supper when B pulled in before 4. I took H for a walk. She caught Roo and saddled. I took videos for her to access later. S was home from shinny and coffee klatch visit after 5. Tasty rib supper was enjoyed by all.

Hot tub and Who Is Erin Carter for S & I. B of course was in her room watching Netflix too. Mom arrived after 9:30. A quick visit then she was off to bed as well.

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