Monday, March 27, 2023

Stella is BACK!!

Winter has returned. It was snowing when I awoke after 7. H went out in the again snow covered yard. She went in kennel and I to bed to do a crossword. Once awake S made coffee and brought us a cup to bed. We did our relaxation. I moved on to marketing while S did crosswords and porridge.

I got things together to do my touchup things on the jewelry box in town. S went to let J out before we left. He returned with a trap and a cat in it. It was Stella!!! What the heck! I brought her to the garage and gave her soft food and left her in the garage. This is a big mystery. S swears he looked in there during our search. He heard her meowing yet we did not hear this yesterday when trimming feet. 

I sent pics to the girls and Mom. Mom text back she saw her last night on the road when leaving. And she jumped the snow over to horses. HMMMM more mystery. She could not have been in the trap for a week no. But where was she for most of it?

At Sagewood Dad was napping and Mom on her phone. She had brought the jewelry box in, thanks. I got it painted one coat on the inside of the door. I added the paint sticker and care instructions. We visited and gave Dad a facial spa. A therapist stopped to assess his wheel chair fit. S and I then headed off before noon so Mom could get him to his hair wash.

Back at home S shoveled the walks and went to look for tracks into the shed. More mystery with the cat hole blocked over. This meant she had to climb the shed wall up thru the eve. There were no tracks outside the shed but it is snowing. I made an egg sandwich for lunch. S had his favorite sausage & KD leftovers and salad.

I was off to the garage to decide how to finish the desk top. I originally was going to put a lace transfer on but changed my mind. I narrowed my choices for stencil and paint color. A retro pattern in silver was the winner. Of course stenciling never goes as easy as planned. Touchup were required.

S came out from his couch relaxation to check out my progress. Seeing the snow had stopped and the sun was out full force we took H for a walk. J came along as well but Stella stayed on the deck and watched.

Back inside S hot the couch again with his book this time. I got busy going thru a folder of family tree stuff Mom gave me. I added photos and the new details I sifted out. For supper I prepped a tray of veggies to roast. S prepped chicken wings and half hour later we were enjoying them. Of course more hockey was on. I got back to my family tree. S moved to the TV room but took a break at 9 to put cats away for the night. I started a new Netflix series then moved to reading. S was up before 11:30 to read a bit too.

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