Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Farmhouse table progress

I had a late start waking at 8:45, wow. Coffee was made and I did a quick email check to find the gal interested in the dresser and nightstand deciding she would like to get delivery quote! It just so happens I have a dental appointment in the city Monday so this might work. I delivered S a cup of coffee in bed then we had our morning meditation. We then had our 10 am zoom meet. 

S chatted with a fellow who got in touch with him on solar info while I worked on ancestry details. Lunch was broccoli cheese soups thanks for Costco.

Time to get busy on the tables. I sanded the farmhouse one thru 3 grits again then put the first coat of white stain on it. S worked on taxes getting info off the big computer then he took H out for a brush and walk. I mixed up Bird's food for him to give her while they walked. Harley's food was delivered so I had to rearrange the freezer space.

I put the table on pyramids then scrubbed the base as well as the other tables base and legs. The farmhouse table had one coat of primer added then in for a cold beer. B and I chatted as she was at the dealers for her car appraisal which they offered her $2500!! She is thinking of cancelling this idea and sticking with the jetta.

I worked on more family tree getting supper in the air fryer for 6 forgetting S had a rodeo meeting at 6:30. He was able to shovel it in and head to town at at 6:15. I finished the season of Next in Fashion while eating my supper then back to family tree after cleaning up.

I headed back to garage at 7 and put a second coat of primer on the table base. My skin peel is now releasing and had to spend a bit of time peeling dead skin that is so hard not to pick at. I worked on more tree names and dates then went for a soak in the hot tub at 10:15 as S was still not back yet. It was really nice once in of course. I was just out of the shower when S arrived back home. He ate his leftover supper I saved and watched sports highlights before we both headed to bed to read. I started Spare finally and quite enjoy it so far. 

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