Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Gophers awake

Overcast awaking with a dreaded headache. H went out at 5 and it plagued me since. We did fit a morning mediation in before getting a coffee then up for the day. It was then on to usual computer work for us both. S took H for a walk mid morning and let J out of the barn, no Stella. We finished up the laundry and put away then S helped me move the white dining table to stair area and the dining table back. He was then off to hockey before 11:30. I moved the antique table and staged a few pics.

I tidied then did accounting. Both boring tasks for sure but needed. The fog rolled in briefly. Sun tried to burn thru. Then it repeated many times times. Vacuuming is a never ending job. Did I mention Harley is shedding like crazy? I wrote the farmhouse dining table tutorial all ready to publish. It was now 2:30 and full sun. H and I went for a walk tracking coyotes in hopes of finding any sign of Stella. Nothing ;( We saw a gopher!! This is H coming back from scenting the area.

Back at the garage J and H sat in the sun on the deck. I went in to scuff sand the jewelry box. My first ranuncula is up in the garage flower pots. S was home at 3:30 bringing my paint package he picked up too. He was then on hold yet again with his retirement services. We headed out for a hot tub at 4. What a beauty day it was now with so much sun and no wind. J cleaned Harley's ears sweetly as they sat watching us.

After a shower I prepped supper. The first Good Food meal; lasagna inspired naan bread pizzas. S sliced the radishes then hit the couch to look for new skates. This was a surprise box of meals. I would not have chosen this meal but we both really liked it! 

Baseball finals had S's attention. He moved to TV room to watch it and his Flames later. After cleaning up supper I published the farmhouse tutorial and got busy sharing it and sending emails. I also created an Instagram post which has been forever.

The paint parcel was unboxed with new products to try. The sunset was amazing yet again. I finished tidying the kitchen. After catching up computer work I went to bed to read. I was dozy at 9:45 so shut off lights. Only then I laid there so after 45 minutes I watched Netflix till midnight. S was up after his sports night with Flames winning and off to sleep.

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