Sunday, July 31, 2022

Running with the bulls a day 2

S took H out for a quick pee after 6 then back to bed till after 9. S made coffee and I fed H then B picked H and I up and we headed to the ranch leaving S to eat and head to his 10 am rodeo meeting. At the ranch I check rain gauge and found 2/10!! I fed the cats and in to the house to start laundry and blog work. Nathan and Kaylin were up. B was off to do horse stuff including hosing them as 22 already. I had a quick shower, watered my planters and picked a few zucchini then B dropped H and I back at the trailer before 11:30.

S had his meeting nd a shower an was relaxing on the couch. We had a light lunch then headed over to set up an umbrella spot in rush seating up top. It was another scorcher around 28 so the umbrella was well needed. Kaylin and Nathan joined us as the rodeo started at 1. They took a break to run for a slush before intermission then back. We headed back to the trailer once it ended for a cold drink with Jerry K stopping for a drinks and his pass. Tracey and Cal Logan stopped for drinks and a visit as well. Kaylin and Nathan ran home to feed and check on the dogs.

watch the above and linked video to see 12 yr old Piper Yule and her horses

At 4:45 we headed back to the infield to check all equipment was ready. I ran back to the trailer to meet K and N then we were back to get water and the set up got underway. We had less helpers with many different people tonight but got it set up much faster. The actual running was quite uneventful especially compared to last night. 

Here a re the links to running of the bulls night 2 round one, round two and round three.

After a quick takedown as well we battened everything up then back to the trailer with Grady stopping for a drink with us and K and N. After Grady was off to watch chucks we cooked up a salmon burger and salad dinner. The city couple were off before 8 to pick up pups and head home, THANKS for your help guys.

S and I cleaned up then went to the infield to watch the last 3 chuckwagon heats . Time to take H for a walk which ended up with us over at Tracey’s chuckwagon cousins Derek Aebly setup for a visit. We made our way back in the dark, put H to bed in time to watch the fireworks at 11. They were ok, not as good as July 1st. I then called it a night and watched an episode of blown Away in bed while S was off to visit with the rodeo guys. He was back around 2 am wrapping up his day.

fireworks video

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Running with the Bulls day 1

I took H for a walk at 8 am and it was already hit and sunny and very humid after the rain last night. She went back to bed after eating for a bit till we got up for coffee after 9. S was then off to rodeo meeting at 10. I washed up dishes and once he was back we ran to liquor stores and grabbed Opa for lunch.

Back at the trailer we ate then I took H for a walk while S had a quick nap in the A/C. It is another hot 30 degree day!!! We headed over to watch the rodeo and find a seat at 12:30 knowing all was sold out. We sat at the top of rush with our umbrella thankfully to block some of the sun. We did however not make the whole performance leaving  before intermission to come sit in shade at the trailer

S and I walked H to the volunteer shack to get some swag which she loved as she received many pets there and along the way. Once the rodeo ended we put her back in the A/C trailer then we headed over to put a banner on the scissor lift and get things together. I met Kaylin and Nathan at the trailer then back to the grounds to get set up underway for Running with the Bulls. Shaina and Shannon arrived to help as well. we had it all set up and ready for what turned out to be the most hits of the night kinda performance.

the skies look threatening

watch these 3 videos Darren took at his corner

and this guys view of the winner getting pummeled from up in the grandstands

Here are my round one, round two and round three live videos if you have not watched.

After the running with bulls ended we had a speed panel record take down as well. It was then back to the trailer for Kaylin, Nathan, Darren and us for a beverage with Shaina and Shannon joining too. There was a few spits of rain as we took down panels then it started more as we sat under the awnings at the trailer having a cold drink. Darren headed home before the rain.

We all went over to watch 3 chuckwagon heats but it was drizzly and cold.

The girls and Nathan headed to the ranch to hot tub, play games and visit.  For a very late supper S cooked up burgers and I made a dill salad to go with it. We ate inside then watched another Animal Kingdom before heading to bed tuckered after a long day.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Concert in the infield

With no H to walk (B dropped her and Coop at the ranch at 7 this am) and no real chores for S we managed to sleep in till after 9. slack started at 8 am which I listened too off an on. I pushed the coffee button and got things brewing. We enjoyed a couple with S having his cereal before we went to peruse the events at the infield. No real action other then barrel racing practice. Back to the trailer to relax and have some lunch.

more running with bulls prep

Ever wonder what rodeo entry fees cost?

The rodeo started at 1 with us finding seats in the only covered area of the infield. we were luck to get seats 1/2 row 5 with shade most of the performance. It did make us move out of the 31 degree heat around 3:30 then we headed around to our usual infield seating area to watch the bulls. 

This is a girl steer "cow" rider

local Tate Macdonald's ride video (he went to school with Kaylin

and this 12 year old trick/liberty rider is amazing

Once over we scooted back to the trailer (so close indeed) grabbed a cold pop and headed to the lab where we thought S had a lab appointment at 4:30 and hoped he could get in half hour early. Be darned if the appointment was not till next Friday at 4:30 with nothing in between. We carried on to the ranch where I did some blog work while s napped in big brown after I let dogs out for a pee and fed them. I then showered and dressed for the concert in shorts. S took he skid steer to the pit for a bit of dirt modification then he jumped in the shower. We loaded H up and some more groceries and headed back to the trailer. we passed B on her way out at 6.

At the trailer S cooked up burgers which I had cheese, spring mix and avocado to add to them, so yummy!! He also BBQ a pepper and followed it up with mugs Ma K had made and dropped off. It was roasts toasty out still but the skies to the west were darkening up and a thunderstorm warning was out. We took H for a long walk even stopping to watch a Chuck again race then the winds picked up s we headed to the trailer and relaxed inside. S had booked us a campsite for next week to celebrate his birthday earlier today so bought a park pass line seeing we have been meaning to do so for the last couple trips. I worked on todays blog.

B and Dave stopped at the trailer then we headed to the grounds to meet the Johnson family from Fernie. Remember the wedding Britt was in? This is the family. The rain started up as they arrived and it fell for only about half an hour thankfully. Dave actually made it home early having half the races cancelled from heavy rains there today. The Gregory Garrett band played well again, we popped back stage to say hi before they were off.

Garrett Gregory band clips and just a snippet of their first original song: Leavin You (official video link)

and below the headliner James Barker Band video clip

The James Barker Band rocked the crowd for the rest of the night. Many of their songs were recognized but never knew who sang them. After the concert we went back to our trailer where S built a fire (which was against the no fire rule) and everyone enjoyed a beverage. The 6 young folks took a cab to the brewery but it panned out to be a blistering (literally) walk home from the south side to Britt's place having not found a cab to take them home. Dale and Cathy walked to Britt's after 2 then we headed to bed too as more rain came down.

around the fire video

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Ready for the rodeo

It was a restless night in the trailer for me but S slept well. He took H out for a pee after 8 and made coffee. After a couple cups he was off to do volunteer work. I loaded up H before 8:30 and ran home swinging thru Tims for an iced coffee. Back at the ranch I let horses out, fed the cats, watered my garden and planters then worked on blog posts including the chair project that needs to be complete by month end. I also had accounting and bills to pay seeing we will be gone till august. I also worked on the accent chair tutorial  till I ran to town before 10:30 to pick up S.

We jetted to the city at 11 to meet with a Dr who was not quite as helpful as Monday’s one but at least he now has a face to his name. We stopped at Joey’s for an early birthday lunch having our favourite meals and drinks making the trip in worthwhile .

We were back from the city at 2:30, S rustled up a few things and was headed to town to work at the rodeo ground and go to a meeting by 3. I finished the accent chair tutorial then shared where needed and sent to paint company to qualify for my months 3rd project. 

More off my checklist was to shave my legs seeing my sugar girl is on vacation. I collected other items needed in the trailer like another pillow. I went to brush H outside then give her a frozen bone for her supper. I brewed and bottled my kombucha up then blended veggies to freeze for H seeing the Vitamix was out. S was back home before 5. We turned around and headed back in to the dodge dealer for a stampede barbecue; yummy brisket from Mike’s bar and grill. We left Harley with plans for B to drop her off later.

Then it was to the trailer to relax with a cold refreshment and snacks seeing S was still hungry after the brisket. Britt stopped to drop H off and more groceries I forgot but decided to take her home for the night. THANKS B, Har loves staying at Cooper's for a sleepover.. After they left we went for a walk and over to double check out this years scissor lift operation then back inside the trailer where we finally got the tv and iPad connected and watched a couple animal kingdom before calling it a night.

tomorrow night this is where the concert will be: the infield

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Trailer to rodeo grounds

Lexi was up after 7 so I sent her outside to do her biz then back I to be where we slept till 9 am. I went out and did the usual horse let out, feed H and cats and do Lexi’s eye drops. S made coffee and had his cereal. Mom and Dad stopped out before 11 to drop off a few things for Pat and have a visit. S was just heading down the lane way to load 10 bales for the bale buyer. I packaged up some touch up paint and sealer for a previous buyer who dinged her vanity when moving. They were off at noon with Pat and Candace arriving shortly after. I made us chicken salads for lunch with a cold beer and a visit. Candace painted my nails in shellac polish to tray and blend the growing out.

They were off to the city before 1:30 to meet Shaina for an early lunch and kindly took Lexi along with them. We tossed in the last few things in the trailer and headed to town. At the campground Amanda was waiting to give me a ride to Dad’s family meeting. I quickly helped S back the trailer in and we were off. He unhooked, leveled and put slides out then off to help with rodeo stuff. He headed back home to load another 10 bales for the buyer at 2:45.

I finally opened my paint parcel that arrived awhile ago

After our meeting ended at 3 I went with AJ to her place where she had 6 kids playing. we had a cold drink with S having a beer with us when he arrived to pick me up. We then headed to the campground where he was off to do rodeo projects and I set up a few things in the trailer. Asher had practice at the ball diamond beside here so i walked over to watch. It was a hot 26+ day with all sunshine. I met S back at the trailer before 6:30 and we jetted home.

I made veggie packs and he prepared the steaks. Just before the fellow arrived S tossed the veggies on the BBQ then went to load his last load. I needed to finish the chair to get a 3rd project required for my paint contract so waxed the accent chair. Harley wanted to meet the buyers so we walked over to find the folks very chatty. B and Coop arrived while we were visiting. Once they were gone we headed in to cook the steaks and eat a yummy supper late at 8. B gave Pepper and Bird their 2nd Adequan shot, relaxed in the beautiful evening glow with the cats and dogs before she headed home at 8:30. 

We jumped in the hot tub then S wanted to go back to sleep in the trailer. I took Pep’s temperature as B thought he was getting sick as is Switch possibly then loaded up H and we headed back to town for the tenth time. S filled the trailer with water quick then we took H for a walk then back to trailer where I wrote the blog for today and he perused the net.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Lilacs trimmed

There was a bit of a project around 1:20 am when Lexi jumped down and headed out of the bedroom. Usually she goes for a drink of water or scratches the door but neither were heard. When she quit walking I went to find she had relieved herself at the front door mat. I soaked it up with paper towels, rolled rug up and put on deck then put her in the kennel. Back in bed I decided it best get washed before dries like the big rug so went and tossed in the washer. I was now awake and after washing feet I watched another Blown Away with headphones on.

I slept till 7:15 when S woke early but was soon back asleep but I was not. I let the horses out, fed H, put Lexi's eye drops in (2  /day) hung out the rug then was back in to relax in bed for a bit. Once up and making coffee S had rodeo plans underway. He set off for town after breakfast to meet for panel delivery and other rodeo errands. I hauled the chair out and sanded the stencil to look worn and did touch ups. A load of shoes was washed as half way thru summer already.

S was back at 1 just in time for his yummy chicken salad I had made for him and working on mine. I started vacuuming the house which is in dire need after some tidying. I washed the island chair covers for the first time and they washed up well. The big rug is still damp.

 Mom and Dad popped out with what I thought was hedge trimmers however that is not good for lilacs so we embarked on hand trimming off all the seed pods and trying to shape the hedge. Dad napped for a bit, helped put branches in the wheelbarrow and got lots of walking in. Sheldon helped trim some and was very good at loading branches and dumping at the pit for us as he watered the trees lowering the water tanks. B, Dave and Coop were out as both have the day off, fed horses then took Beibs out for a cart ride.

The neighbor stopped by to pay for bales too. The morning was cool and overcast but the sun popped out in the afternoon making for a toasty tree chop at 23 degrees. THANKS Mom for your help getting the lilacs done. At 4:30 she and Dad headed back for his supper time. Back inside I continued vacuuming as S did some relaxing and internet perusing in big brown. He and I had the last of the cabbage rolls and coleslaw for supper. Now it was bathroom cleaning, dusting and mopping the main floor. What a great feeling to have things clean but the big rug is still not dry.

S hooked up the trailer and parked at front door before heading out to mow the laneway and approach. He has been stewing about his bale prices which I said to just give it a bit. Wouldn't you know a guy called and wants 30 and was driving over to get 5 and decide if he would take 30. I worked on the blogs getting a few posted today and slowly catching up. S moved a few bales up to the house then drove down to the neighbors in the fireball to quote a hay cut while I put the horses in the barn paddock. Then I loaded clothes, food and drink into the trailer I had set out.

The bale buyer seemed to have gotten lost and finally arrived after 9:30 as the sun was dropping. He loaded them up with 4 bales and sent them on their way before 10. Time for a hot tub, shower and relaxing with Blown Away. My knee was tweaked today and think getting out of hot tub to catch Lexi 

Monday, July 25, 2022

Early to the city

It was an early one with an alarm going off at 6:30 but I did just go to sleep after waking up after 5 LOL. I got moving feeding dogs, cats and letting the horses out. The ground and grass was wet and cool and gloomy out. S made the coffee, had breakfast then we were off at 7:15. Wouldn't you know it there was a bridge delay but we made it to his 8:15 appointment almost on time. After almost 2 hours we were on our way swinging by Tims to grab breakfast.

S ate his bagel BELT in the car while I returned rugs at Home Sense. Next we hit Costco to do some returns and load a cart to the brim. Once back home we unloaded items but found Lexi had not eaten and had an upset tummy. She puked on the living room rug and floor. S cleaned it up while I put her out then we hauled rug out over the deck railing where he pressure washed it quick.

Next up he sliced the strip loin into steaks and we bagged them up. I stenciled the chair top while S was off on a gopher tour. Luckily it stayed cooler but the sun came out hitting 21.

S took the weed eater around as I scooped dog poop and picked up leaves before I finished the Stampede 2022 post, finally :) The next poop loop was in the barn paddock with the quad/trailer. S grabbed a couple beers for a break before we finished and S started mowing. I had put cabbage rolls in the oven during the break so it was ready. So yummy, Thanks Ma K!!

After he was finished S went out to finish mowing the lawn as I cleaned up. Lexi finally ate something which was great to see. Blog writing was up next for me as I am still far behind.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Took dogs to the river

Ground hogs day letting horses out, feeding dogs and cats and back in for a coffee the prince was now up to make. B was out by 9:30 to beat the heat. She and I went for a ride around the perimeter with the dogs. I then trimmed Switch's feet while she trimmed a few bridle paths and fed. I trimmed Switch's bridle path before releasing her.

For lunch I made us bacon tomato avocado sandwiches then B and Coop set off for home. I also made a batch of sweet tea to brew some kombucha again.

Mid afternoon as the heat increased I suggested we take the dogs to the river. S loaded up chairs, umbrella and cold drinks while I got snacks, dogs gear and sunscreen. We arrived at the river after 3 to find it a very popular spot on a 27 degree day. we set up camp along the rivers edge but having 2 dogs circling 3 chairs (I got one for Lexi) with a wobbly umbrella standing in rocks was a bit of a juggle. Harley so wanted to play with a Shepard off leash chasing a stick and eventually did get a bit of free time only to find the dog did not want to play or share her stick.

this is home for a bit

I went back and got Lexi a chair to sleep in

the dogs were fans of the peanut sheller

when hot S took himself and H out in the river to cool down

Lexi preferred to make a bed in the chair bags LOL

H got a wee bit of off leash time to try and play but the other dog was not a fan of playing of sharing

this is the valley view on the way out of it

We packed up after 5 and on the way home swung thru Langdon for an iced coffee and loaded bowl for supper. What a great idea as the cabbage rolls were going to still be frozen when we get home. Back at the ranch I watered my garden and pruned a pile of zucchini leaves off while S helped a neighbor load small squares. It turns out he came in a hatchback to get 10 and can only load 2 at a time!! S kindly loaded 8 in his truck and followed him home to deliver.

Once back it was hot tub time followed by shower and relaxing in bed starting a new season of Blown Away. B was struggling to catch Beibs so I went and helped her then back to the house. Once she finished up she was off. Did you read family taco night post? I am slowly catching up :)