Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Surprise Dad road trip

I woke many times to check the time as usual when I have a trip planned. Today Amanda and I are running to the Hat to visit Dad. I was up at 8 getting dressed, a beverage and snack packed, the dogs fed, the cats let out and the 2 ginger horses hay tossed in their little pen. Amanda and Aislyn arrived at 9 and we were off. 

Shaina is off to the city for the day at 10 so will let dogs out before she goes and today will be Harley's first entire day left home alone with Lexi as her company. We arrived in the hat after 11 and seeing Dad would be eating lunch soon we stopped at A&W and had a quick lunch too. He was very surprised when we walked into his room and was ready to escape in short order.

Amanda had thought to take him to Echo Dale but when I brought up the map it said temporarily closed, rats. Next option was police point so off we went. Wouldn't you know it that once we finally could take him out today decided to have wind warnings and a chilly edge even though PLUS 12 but overcast. That did not stop our walk through the park and along the river with Aislyn as our tour guide on her bike ahead of us.

Next we took a leisurely drive around the outskirts of the city then out on a road to deliver a parcel to Amanda's friend. This tour continued past the airport, thru the desert blume area to see the new homes then to the favorite stop for Dad and Aislyn: Dairy Queen! The sun was now peeking out so eating the ice cream in the warm sunshine inside the vehicle in the parking lot was perfect.

We were then off to the cottage and his room where Amanda gave him a well needed hair cut. Aislyn colored him a nice picture for his wall. After 3 he walked us to the door having enjoyed the surprise visit. We had a quick bathroom break at the main building then jetted home. I was dropped back home just after 5:30 and quickly let the dogs out after their long day inside. I also scrambled to get the Christmas lights restarted for Aislyn to see by the time they got to the gate. THANKS Amanda for having me join you two.

Now to feed the dogs their supper and soak horse feed. A lady had dropped off a dining set during the day so that was the next order of business to get it all moved inside. Some leftover chicken and to the computer to get a post up. Britt and Cooper arrived as I was doing so, she fed horses and gave Pep his bute dose and put the kitties away before she was off for home. After catching up on computer work I called it an early night heading to bed at 8 to watch more Clickbait. Shaina was home from the city just before 10 and off to her room.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Pepper gets stifles injected

Harley wanted out at the usual 6:30 then to the garage with her hello scratch at 8:30. I turned on coffee as I went by to feed her then got busy with Monday marketing. I also put an order in for cyber Monday horse boots. I had a neighbor stop to try on boots which had me scrambling to get dressed quick but sadly they did not fit.

I wrote a Hometalk post for the bread box. B was out after 11 to get Pepper in for his vet appointment. She took the day off to be there as well as study for her vet nursing test next weekend. We got him and Bird in just as Dr Jordan and her tech arrived before 11:30. His procedure was done in short order and they were off. I hauled down hay and loaded in ranger to feed him and KD who will spend the night in the barn pen to limit his movement.

I came in at 12:30 and B fed Bird then trimmed Roo while Pepper woke up tied to the hitching post.

Hello Fresh was delivered after lunch. Before Sheldon was off to the airport he brought over the angel and door decorations and put them up then was off to the airport after 2. It is another short work week for him returning Thursday.

Shaina and I took the dogs for a walk at 3 seeing it was still so nice and sunny and 11 out. Shaina did more work then was off to the gym at 5. I continued marketing then started the first HF meal; farro veggie salad. Shaina arrived back at 7 with a rotisserie chicken to go with it. Yum.

Shaina was off to work and I to computer for a bit. After a shower I started a new series called ClickBait.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Bad Bloods first ranch ride

Of course H wanted out at 6 even after going out around 2:30 am but she had business to do. I put her in her kennel and had her wait till 9 to eat. I made coffee and was catching up on marketing. Roxie loved the brownies so much she hoped to get the recipe, I sent her the secret. :0)

coffee and computer with my favorite frenchie

Sheldon slept till almost 10:30!! I found a new full bottle of oil had tipped over in the pantry making for a really nice mess to clean up. Good thing was most of it filled a box below the shelf, bad thing was it was in my spiralizer box full of pieces and instructions. 

Mom was out for a visit, lunch and dessert with even Britt coming out to join us. She was off after 2 to make her way home with a few stops in town. B had gone out to feed horses and tweak feet before she was headed home. 

The couple brought a box of these handmade granola bars which the co-worker used to share with Sheldon at work and he loved so much. This gift made him very happy.

There was just a few minutes to whip the vacuum around as S had a coworker and his wife coming to pick up their radon detector and have a visit. They also took a solar panel tour which I brought the dogs along for a stretch and a few ball chases. They also met the cats before they headed home at 4.

Shaina who had napped the afternoon away was up and off to go play basketball with friends in town at 4:30 as S headed down to TV room with a beer to watch football. I fed the dogs and finally worked on last 2 days of the blog. I also finished the tutorial I started working on this am for the bread box. Supper was left over roast beef. I enjoyed a soak in the tub at 7 watching my iPad before heading bed to finish the Selling Sunset season. Shaina was home about 8 with some groceries then off to her room. S headed in to help Craig install his thermostat at 7 getting back home at 9. Britt and Dave popped out later which all of us missed. B rode Biebs after Dave trimmed his back feet.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Evening out!!

There was a light cover of snow when I let H out at 8 and an amazing short lived sunrise. She dried off in kennel while I played some brain games then fed her before 9. Coffee and some marketing before I got Lexi up, Kaylin was up a bit later around 10 to confirm her feeding and join us for coffee. S made sausage and eggs and Shaina too even came up to join us.

my buddies while I got ready for the day

S and I headed to town after 12 dropping trash and picking up his trailer tire before getting to the arena to watch Asher's hockey. The Paetz family and Mom had spots up top where we joined them to watch the game. Kaylin and Shaina were close behind us. 

I taught the girls how to make and use a fortune teller which was a big hit!

After the game we all stopped over at their house for a visit before our 2 cars headed home after 3. Kaylin jumped in the shower to prep for her evening out to celebrate her friends 30th birthday back in the city. She is leaving Lexi for a few days ranch vacation with Shaina on dog duty tonight. We jumped in the car along with the bread box I dropped back with Mom to take to Oyen for the buyer. Then we were off to Glen and Roxie's for an evening out.

We arrived right at 5 and had a fabulous evening of food, laughs and a great catch up. I had made brownies as the dessert that was  hit too. We wrapped it up after 1 and made our journey back home. Thanks Cole's for another fabulous night of fun. The dogs heard us and woke Shaina sleeping in our bed to greet us and then all off to bed. THANKS Shaina for taking car of the pups and putting the kittens away too.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Plus 12 chinook continues

S was up at 7 to go hunting again with friends as the extra eyes. He made coffee and packed his stuff with H overseeing. He was off at 8 leaving the lights and TV on and Harley outside who of course wanted in. No sleep in for me since 7 hahaha. I made H wait for her usual breakfast time while I made a cappuccino. Then it was time to do marketing. I had offered the chalkboard gal a great deal on the corkboard for Black Friday last night which see took me up on so this week has been a good week for sales.

Then it was time to get working on the desk, the white washing was finished and waxing started. One drawer pull was painted and waxed but I was not a fan so scrubbed it clean and buffed back to original. S text the meat should be in the fridge so I moved things around and went and hauled 2 tubs in. The dreaded wind arrived and blew but it is plus 12.

I popped in for a bowl of soup for late lunch and put the roast in the slow cooker. I was going to make the brownies I was planning to take to Cole's for supper tomorrow night but no eggs, darn it! So I did the mantle decorating. The little accent table was moved and I saw the wee edges needed paint so did that, now all ready to be delivered.

The horse boot company has a good sale on today so I headed out taking H for a walk with me to try the boots on yet again. When I called the company they wanted more photos so back out I went. Then I jumped in S's jeep and ran to the neighbors to grab some eggs. Of course we visited for a bit before I was back.

I prepped veggies for supper then got on to accounting while watching Blown Away Christmas. I started this last night and it is a short 4 episodes but oh how I love glass. B and Coop arrived before 6:30 , she was off to feed the horses. I served supper for Britt, Shaina and I at 7. Sheldon arrived home at 8 as Britt was heading home. He ate then headed out to clean up the bone pile. I rearranged the deep freeze then we bagged the raw pieces for H and I got them in the fridge freezer. S started grinding a bowl of his deer meat as Kaylin arrived for the evening at 9:30 and to stay the night. I headed to bed to watch iPad as S finished up and the girls were off to the suite.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

white washing the desk day

H was fed before 9 after heading out just before 6 then sleeping in kennel. I rousted the hunter to get his coffee going and let out the cats. The plus 6 chinook is causing a blustery overcast day to start.

personal trainer checking form

I put a clear coat on the accent table top, so very exciting it sold so fast. S bagged up deer heads and the cardboard pile to take to town after lunch. We all had a bowl of soup then Shaina back to work, S to the couch for his after dinner rest while I washed up the pots then got new sale posts going.

After 1 S headed to town as I headed out to white wash the desk. This was quite the process and I was only half done when S was back after 3. He poured us a cold beer as he supervised my painting. He was then off to cut the back straps off the deer and package up.

I finished up the desk and left it till tomorrow as the ugly stage had me questioning the last 4 hours work. I started the last HF supper; creamy pesto chicken after 6 as B pulled in. She went and fed the horses, Shaina arrived back home at 6:30 and it was ready to eat by 7. We all rated it very highly.

I loaded the chalkboard up in B's car and she was off after 7:30. Sheldon headed to the shop to chunk the deer meat before 8. I wrote a Hometalk tutorial for the black high chair while watching the newest season of Selling Sunset I started last night. More sell posts before I headed to watch in bed. S was in at 9:30 to hit the sheets after a shower. I watched some new Explained: The Mind and started Blown Away Christmas.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Hunting success

Sheldon was up before the crack of dawn but not Harley to go hunting. He made coffee and packed up his gear. He delivered me a coffee in bed at 7:30 and was off with his buddy Brett before 8. It was a frosty winter day out but as soon as the sun came up it shone brightly. H and I went and fed the kitties some raw and let them out in the -6 air. The little accent table I finished yesterday SOLD this am!!

I worked on marketing, ordering Harleys food with my spin and win 40% off and decorating the house. S text they had 1 then 2 deer in very short order. Easy hunting for those 2 it seems. Shaina and I ate the remaining texmex casserole for lunch then she was back to her calls and I decorating.

Along with my decorating I also whipped up a new batch of kombucha and bottled a pomegranate/lemon mix. I also hauled up a few things to restage in hopes of  increasing selling interest. Shaina joined Harley and I for a walk down road and back as it hit 0 out briefly around 2:30. We were back in time for her 3 pm call.

I am still torn on the desk, if only I could get the darn pink and green stains off. Today I tried nail polish remover and nothing. Shaina was off to the city to meet Emily for supper at 4:30 as the golden hour glowed. I finished up and came in to chop veggies for the soup. The scraps were blended and froze for H. I had my bowl as I watched the news at 5:30.

I started a paint module just as Britt arrived at 6:30. We visited as she ate her soup then she was off to feed the horses. I got back to my module. Sheldon and Brett pulled in at 7 to the shop to skin their deer. B was off for home at 7:30 and not long after a fellow arrived to purchase the cream jewelry box. I then got a message the gal whose husband picked up the corkboard today actually wanted the chalkboard. I misread LOL. So now I need to get the right one to B tomorrow night to swap on Friday.

I finished the module then watched the last Mrs Maisel. Shaina was back home before 9 and enjoyed a bowl of soup with Sheldon and Brett coming into the garage for beers soon after. Brett headed for home before 9:30 but this hunting has Harley all upset. Esp as S was washing tools in the garage and came in for soup at 10.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Accent table staged

Do-over day with dog out at 2 then to garage and repeat morning cue the coffee after feeding her breakfast as S let out the cats. S was off to town after 9 to try and find oil and a tire then see his dr at 10. I boxed up the bread box to send with Mom back to Oyen this weekend then staged the new table to sell.

I jumped in the shower then completed a paint module while my hair dried. S was back with teas for little S and I after 11. Bran was ground up for Britt's horse feeding regime and leftovers for lunch. I repaired 3 of my gel nail polishes, of course on the awkward hand.

After a couch rest S rolled out a bale for the horses; first one of the season. I was painting the desk legs when he left and washing them off when he got back. I did not care for the solid look. Not long after I had it all washed off the horses came for water so I mixed up the food and took out. Pepper has been off and on eating and not wanting his Cushing's pill so may have to get a new plan.

Back inside it was computer work for me and rest for the Prince. Later we put the Christmas tree up which takes 3 minutes and that includes getting out of a box. The box was taken back to the mez putting kitties away. S gave H a bath as I prepped supper HF meal #2: porkchops. Shaina came up to join us for supper at 6 then was back to work. B and Coop were out around 7 as S headed to the TV hockey room. B left after 7:30 with me loading the corkboard up for her to have buyer pickup at her work, THANKS B! I wrote a Hometalk post for the cacti lazy susan after she was off then did another paint module.

Shaina popped up to wash pots up and eat ice cream, S was us to get a bowl of ice cream too. The day was overcast and gloomy and pretty chilly hitting a high of 4 which dropped mid afternoon quickly to -6. It was snowing softly with a light dusting of snow on the ground as I headed to bed before 10 to watch Mrs Maisel, I'm almost done the series.

Monday, November 22, 2021

The trap caught a critter!!

I had a headache that plagued me all day yesterday even with pills and when the hurricane winds awoke me at 6:20 today it was still there. H had wanted out at 3 am then was in the garage until she scratched at almost 8 again right on her schedule but not mine LOL. I turned coffee pot on and let her out to go then breakfast at her normal 8:45 my time schedule. S fixed the coffee cups for the morning brew and let kitties out. The wind had let up which was a good thing. Time to package up the Etsy sale bowl to mail off today and get the high chair tutorial live and shared to all the sites.

After marketing I got busy painting the latest accent table acquisition. I chose a deep green as per Kaylin's suggestion. It looks lovely on this cute little piece. 

Sheldon noticed his trap was tripped so went to check it and low and behold he caught a .... skunk. He did come back to get his gun but his roommates hoped he did a release which he did attempt but when I came in from painting all I could smell was skunk as he sat on his stool at the island. Seems the skunk did spray a little goodbye cologne but he thought it was no where near him, wrong. I had him strip and washed his clothes immediately and he had to clean the stool and put it on the deck to air out and head to the shower.

Now he was ready for lunch. I had made tuna sandwiches with fresh guacamole and chips on the side with a cold kombucha. Shaina joined us for a bit then back to work. He was then off for a nap and I to work on the table.

After dark waxing the table I asked my roommates if they wanted to go for a ricer walk seeing the day was so nice out at plus 13 and tomorrow the high is to be -1!! They agreed but one took a bit of time to get in the truck, no names but it was an S :) Harley was loaded and waiting ahead of everyone while I scooped all the poop piles she accumulated today on the driveway; 4 to be exact. Once we got loaded it did not take long to get to the river campground. We did almost 4 kms in an hour.

loads of geese were on the river

and wow the beavers have been busy, we looked up to see a bald eagle too, quite a nature reserve today

Back to the ranch just after 4 Shaina did a few things before heading to town taking my parcel on the way to her 5 pm massage. I mixed up the food and fed the horses in the golden hour sunshine. S came out as I was shutting the gate for Shaina and feeding Harley, he locked up the kitties and brought the Christmas tree over. Shaina ordered Hello Fresh this week that was delivered after 5, just in time for supper as nothing was planned.

I cooked up the TexMex casserole and it was finished just in time for Britt to arrived after 6 with Shaina pulling in soon after bringing us teas! Thanks Dude xoxo Everyone enjoyed it and I found out I like the taste of orange peppers in a casserole. Shaina was then off to work, B to the couch to nap and Sheldon kindly washed up the pots while I caught up the blog for today. He was then off to TV room. B woke and was off for home before 8. I created a hometalk post for Steph's wedding box then off to bed to watch my iPad while S had moved there as well to continue sports.