Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Roo's abscess popped

What a night, at 2 am H wanted out most likely due to her dewormer pill then a HUGE wind storm woke me at 4:44 am which blew for a long time with S and I chatting about it. I woke again after 6 expecting H to want out but she was good. Shaina was up making her iced coffee for her early meeting. H was quiet till after 7 when I put her in garage then back to bed for me only seconds later to hear Cooper bark. I let her out with him as B was checking on Roo but she was back soon asking to come in and again to garage. Thundering hooves were heard as we looked to see Roo and the other 2 blacks race to the winter paddock. Guess she is feeling better ;) but B was stomping out after her, it seems she blew her boot on her speedy run. I chatted quick with B before she was off to work before 8. S made coffee to enjoy one in bed.

crazy clouds out our bathroom window then later out living room

I got busy doing marketing, Shaina doing her work at the island and S perusing the net. Shaina made scrambled eggs with spinach for us mid morning. Thanks Dude! I published the table set tutorial, did the usual posts and sponsor emails then got busy on the desk. I had Shaina help me haul it on once she was done her eggs. She likes it and would like for Christmas, yay! She was off to her office while I finished power buffing the leg caps and pulls. Sheldon helped me tap the wee nail on each. I secured the pulls on, hauled in the drawers and got it all together. Of course now I had touchups once in different light.

Now to help Sheldon set up and Instagram account for SLiK Services and try and set it up on his FB page. He had a sausage sandwich before his online meeting at 1. I did more desk touch ups. A bit of rain came down when Shaina came up for her late sausage lunch but did not last long and then sun was out. It did not get very warm (12 was the high) as the wind was blustery but the sun was nice to see for awhile. She loaded up and was off at 3 to house sit for a friend for a week.

I chopped up a batch of homemade sauerkraut then chopped veggies for supper. Needing fresh potato's I went and dug another compost grown hill after feeding the cats. S meeting finally ended after 5:30! 

We enjoyed a most delicious steak supper with corn on the cob for .10 each!! The state of emergency was announced as we ate. S was off to his rodeo meeting before 6:30. I tidied up and prepped for the table pickup. The gal arrived just after 7, we had them loaded and she was on her way.

B was out and did her horse things. I went out to the barn as she was just finished soaking and found the abscess popped area. She poulticed it back up and put her back with the herd now that it is on the mend and headed home.

I forgot to share this pic B sent me a few weeks back, seems Pepper likes the dogs water dish too

I was still working on trying to get the darn tutorial email working when S got back home from his rodeo meeting before 10. He crawled into bed with his phone and baseball on TV while I crawled in and watched more Circle episodes.

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