Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Cooper turns 4

I was awoken by coyotes around 6:30, they have been bad lately. After our usual morning I had a chai tea as no milk, go figure and worked on a Hometalk post for the rustic tables set from awhile back. Odd, H did not eat all her breakfast nor did she all her supper last night after I increased her amounts seeing she is thinning a bit.

I spent the morning price tagging and packing up my market wares as well as adding to the spread sheet. This also required cleaning and vacuuming in the "store" too. The items staying were reorganized. The vacuuming moved upstairs to main floor where plants were watered and decor changed to fall . The tables were staged for a few pics and the one rectangular end table had a 4th dark coat of stain added as it was lighter and I know this lady would not be happy.

I also started gluing the "feet" on the tray

I did some more computer work before I ran to town before 3 to watch the Paetz kids. Amanda is taking Ada for a dental appointment. Aislyn and I walked the block before Asher and Archie got off the bus. Back to the house for a snack then we walked to the park near Sharon's where she and Chanel met us to sit in the shade for a short visit. What a beautiful day yet again. We were heading back to the house to get Asher fed and dressed for hockey when Amanda pulled in at the same time. The kids loaded up and they were off. 

I headed to Walmart to grab some groceries and swung thru DQ to grab chicken strips only to find them sold out, a chicken burger had to do seeing I was trapped in line. I grabbed the mail seeing I was on the road quick as I had ice cream in the back and it is 26 degrees out. I was back at the ranch and unloading at 6. I ate my sandwich after feeding Harley then back to computer work while on hold with 3 different elections phones to find out why yet again I was not sent a card. This was after trying online with all the addresses etc, sheesh!

our trees look so fall colorful for just a short time

video of them as I drove past

Shaina arrived back home bringing me a pumpkin spice tea before 7, Thank you!! She had gone to the gym, Opa & groceries after her work day. Britt and the birthday boy Cooper arrived as she was unloading. Cooper is 4 today!! B fed the horses then she and I took the dogs for a walk in the golden sunshine. They headed for home at 8 swinging by the pet store to get a treat. I put the sprinkler on my new peonies. Sadly It is getting dark soon after 8 now :( After my computer work I headed to bed where I started Manifest season 3 after finishing the How To Be A Cowboy season 1.

Happy 4th trip around the sun Cooper

 this outtake makes me laugh!!

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