Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Dogs dewormed

I woke after 6 thinking B was coming at 6:30 but she did not arrive till 7 with Harley alerting me; no alarm clock needed. She went out to see what B and Dave were doing with Roo then back in. They both headed to work before 8 moving Roo to the paddock behind barn and putting Cooper inside who jumped up on our bed. I forgot to celebrate on the 11 - 9-11 that is as our 1 year gotcha day for Harley!! Crazy it has been one full year has passed but all worth it with this character.

this is a few days after she arrived at the ranch

Sheldon made coffee and after 1 in bed I was off to feed H and send both dogs out and we moved to the island for a second cup. After our catchup I headed out in the sunshine to move in more items from the market back to the "store". Then it was onto the desk project that has sat on hold. I added a bit more hemp oil and buffed before trying to get the hardware clean. I tried polish but no luck, I tried gilding wax but did not like it so had to remove it then I tried fine sandpaper that looked the best. I only did some this way before coming inside to have lunch. Writing a tutorial for the table set was my next project.

S had a nice relaxing Tuesday on the couch and after lunch and his after lunch rest he headed outside around 2 to grade the road. I continued on tutorials and the blog as well as plant care. Sweet neighbor Tash stopped by with a fall bouquet, it was beautiful THANKS SO MUCH!!

S came in and we had a cold beer before he headed to town for some errands at 4. He was back at 5 with dog dewormer, mail and some light bulbs. He also dropped off my donation for the Vault grand opening Friday. I revived my water and milk kefirs.

Shaina headed to the gym after 5, we delayed supper as she will be later as will B and the desk gal is coming at 7 with her mom. I prepped the veggies, fed the dogs (Harley got her dewormer in a bonus hot dog) and did some computer work before starting cooking. Britt and Cooper arrived around 6:30 and went to work on Roo.

photos by Sheldon

The desk girls arrived on time and after a short visit we had it loaded and off to its new home. Supper was served with B joining us after moving Roo back to the stall. She was then off to feed the other 2 horses before heading home only to get called into work. She was leaving as Shaina was arriving home after 8:30 and I was getting out of the shower. S had gone to bed around 8; tired Tuesday. Shaina ate and worked on her laptop while I caught up the blog / updated the desk posts while watching some Circle episodes.

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