Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Baling complete for a total of 9 round bales!!

S's alarm went off at 6 again today, he had his coffee and toast and was off to attempt baling by 7 but again having baler issues so not going till later. Shaina was up at 6 for her early Wednesday meeting making a cappuccino then off to her office. I lazed around hoping to fall asleep but no luck. Harley was fed again early and the garage doors opened to get air thru the 32 degree heat. I did computer work with a couple caps. 

Shaina was up to make eggs and get an iced cap around 9 as I was jumping in the shower. S was back and forth with the baler. He says lucky we don't have last years 156 large and 100 small bales as this sensor issue is wreaking havoc on production. I worked on my lemonade tutorial. I forgot to say we tried the ginger bug grape soda and it was NASTY!! None of the roomies liked the dry wine yucky taste. It was dumped!

I was turning on the back flowerbed water when S rolled in finishing up this years baling with a grand total of 9!! He hit the couch and was soon asleep. I wrote an Etsy post for the yellow jewelry box taking more photos too. It was added to the lemonade tutorial and it was posted as well. Now to get some sales traction. I finished up accounting as the noon news started waking the prince for lunch.

After lunch Shaina was back to her office, Sheldon to the couch trouble shooting the baler issues and I working on tutorials and marketing. At 2:30 I had S come help me hose horses seeing it is another 35 degree day, Shaina was off to the gym so unable to help :)

Shaina was back from the gym while we were eating leftover goulash for supper. She made a turkey croissant then got to packing. S headed to TV room to watch hockey. B was out after 6, did her usual, Cooper pooped and hit the puppy pool then they were off by 7 as I was coming out to hand water my garden.

Back inside I continued my work on tutorials, I have 9 to finish and post. Each one requires water marked photos, links and lots of text but today is the perfect day to get on it. I did help Shaina pack stuff to the deck for her to load in her jeep. By 8:30 she was on the road to her city apartment for the summer.

I convinced S to set aside his plans to eat cereal after his bowl of ice cream to join H and I along with the kittens for a walk. It was another nice evening now the sun was almost set. Back at the house I took the cats some cold offal as a treat. S was back to his cereal in the TV room. I bottled and made new water kefir; berry my favorite.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Another hot one out there at 35.5C

H wanted out before 5:30 so I let her out and opened the garage doors to cool down as it is 31 in there! I was up at 2 am for a bathroom break and piece of bread and it was still 24 outside and only down to 21 now. It is crazy how many daylight hours we have right now. S had his alarm set to get up at 6 to get the baler ready and start this am early. He made coffee and toast taking a mug along. This plan did not go quite as he hoped. He was still at the shop when I fed Harley early before 7:30. I picked a bouquet of my peonies to enjoy inside and put the soaker on the back bed seeing still shaded and today is to be yet another scorcher.

Inside I made a cap and started marketing then switched it up to an iced coffee as I staged the blue frame and got it posted for sale on a few sites. S finally headed out to bale at 9, I popped out to see the first bale roll out at 10. Seems it was full of barbed wire the prince baled up LOL.

Next I prepped a new jewelry box to paint inside today; hardware removed and drawers vacuumed and it all scrubbed up. Starting the day so early had me eating my Edo leftovers at 11:30. It was then on to painting the first coat of soft yellow.

S stopped to grab his water jug and bag of spitz before 1 having rolled up 3 bales in total! Shaina was up to make a croissant then took a call on the deck. She helped me move the vanity base to front door where I have the drawers and such ready for pick up later today.

I painted a second coat finishing up when Sheldon came in at 2 having completed 2/3 of the field and has 4 bales so far. Eeeekkk it is going to be one of those slim pickings years. He hit the couch for a nap. I painted a 3rd coat and then arranged the transfers I plan to use.

Shaina was off to the gym before 3. The vanity was finally picked up before 4. I helped them load it all up and on their way then I headed out in the 35.5 degree heat to hose the horses. I text S to come help then we bathed Harley. I waxed and applied the sunflower transfers to the jewelry box, now to stage and get ready to post tomorrow.

Shaina was back before 5 as I was cooking up the goulash for supper. We were watching the news to see more high heat records broken .. 49.6 C in the same BC town as yesterday. WOW!! Could you imagine? There were town records broke in AB with a couple places hitting 40 C

B was out later after 7 picking up chain lube for the prince before heading to get Cooper. I traded her supper for the pick up. She hosed horses gain and fed the 2 then was off for home to her new A/C unit working well in her bedroom. I hand watered the garden, Shaina did studying on the deck and S sprayed a shubert tree full of bugs and started watering others.

my baby plants are blooming.. ok 1 out of 3

Shaina and I took H to the gate after 9 then she was headed inside. I watered elder and front bed/pots while S hosed evergreens now. It was such a lovely night once the blazing sun set.

tried to get a photo of Luna with that pretty background but this girl was on the move, no time for a photo shoot :)

Monday, June 28, 2021

S Golfs in Record high for Calgary - 34.6C

It is going to be a hot one, crazy H woke at 4:55 am so I put her in the garage and opened the door a bit. It was already hot in there. She was happy to have her breakfast I think as still a bit ice crystally. S made his coffee and checked if his timer went off on the trees. I let the horses out then in for a coffee too. The coffee table was picked up around 10. I loaded it in her vehicle and off it went. The vanity is to be picked up tomorrow so finally making room in the great room. If only the big black coffee table would sell; I dropped the price hoping to entice someone. Time to get laundry going.

S left for his golfing after 10 stopping in town for fuel and sunglasses. His tee off time is high noon: should be a warm one LOL. Shaina and I left soon after delivering the growth ruler to Whitney at her moms enjoying the A/C for a few days. It was a short visit but we did get to see the little cutie after she woke. 

We were then on our way sweeping by Britt's to pick up Cooper only to find Dave was there working on her A/C set up. It was noon so we looped thru Tims for an ice cap then Edo for a noodle bowl. THANK YOU Shaina for buying me lunch XOXO. We were then off to the ranch to eat it.

S was back to her check in day and I got a few repaints going seeing I could bring into the cool house. Watching more vacation home episodes while painting of course. The first was the red/blue chicken wired frame redone in a blue green. 

Next was Kaylin's yellow paper towel holder that was greasy and ready for an update. I gave it a good scrubbing to get rid of the grease marks and a light sanding then painted it navy. Shaina popped up to eat some more of her dinner, join me for a cold kombucha then back to work. 

After a second coat on each I ventured out into the 33 degree heat to bury compost and noticed my potatoes wilting so hand watered the garden. My laundry was hijacked by our roomie but I eventually got a few more loads thru and folded. Luna and J were in the garage even as hot as it was so was Harley so I went to find Stella who was in the even hotter barn. Back in house I white waxed the frame and snapped a few pics of the paper towel holder.

Shaina was just leaving for the gym at 6 when S arrived home from his day of golf. He survived the extreme heat that broke a record in Calgary hitting 34.6 but feeling even hotter with humidity. Our thermometer says high of 34 here too. BC broke a record hitting 47.9!!!!  He and I had a cold beverage then I got busy cooking taco supper.

B stopped out for a quick feed of horses and back to town where she now has A/C in her bedroom at least. Shaina was not back till after 8 to enjoy her share of tacos but kindly picked me up a jug of milk. S headed downstairs to finish the hockey game he had on the go as I continued the laundry process.

After taking the kitties some cool offal the roomies and H joined me for a walk. It was beautiful at 29 now LOL. The sunset was pretty cool with some smoke in the air. Back at the house I worked on laundry while S and S did a back trim. While enjoying some more vacation episodes in bed I had to step out and take a picture of these sunsets that last till after 11.

black is the color of choice ;)

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Moving w/e for K

H went to the warm garage before 7 today hoping to get an early breakfast but in reality that did not happen till her usual time. B dropped Cooper off for the day as she was eating. She is off to work today. S made coffee taking his to let out kitties and enjoy on the deck. 

the pink peonies are just opening

I let out the horses, had a quick shower, made iced coffees and cleaned some cherries for the road. The square dining table was loaded up as well as the remainder of the super heavy custom dining table I declined. S hooked up the trailer: twice actually having to change the ball size and we were off just a little after our 9:30 planned ETD.

apparently it would have been $250 retail cost!!

We met our glass friend at a golf course parking lot along the way to get the very pricey beveled mirror for the vanity. After a short visit we were off to Kaylin's new place in hidden valley area of the city. We got a quick tour then got her stuff unloaded from the trailer in short order. 

The boys had a beer on the deck while the girls had one inside. The dining set couple arrived at 12:30 to get their table which I helped get loaded. Then we were off heading for home. We made a stop at the very busy Chinook mall to dine at our favorite Joey's restaurant. There is no lack of people dining out that is for sure. A frosty beverage and a yummy salad and it was time to make our way home.

We were back at the ranch at 3, S quickly hit the couch for a nap. I took the dogs out for a pee and H had to come in of course while Coop stayed out. I wrote a Hometalk post for cleaning bottles. Then it was outside to fill puppy pool some more, water front planter and bed and feed the dogs a bit early.

Cooper's first frozen chicken head: he tried burying it in my flower bed :)

Prince awoke after 5 to chat with Mama K. I was back outside feeding the dogs a frozen treat and asked if he might park the trailer in its spot. First he wanted to blade it with the skid steer to level the gravel a smidge. Of course that is much easier then a rake LOL. Shaina was back home before 6:30 and off to her room. In the end he actually had to rake but got it parked back in its spot.

We ate leftovers as kinda full but kinda hungry; Shaina ate in the city. We took the dogs for a walk and it was only down to 30 and it almost 8 pm. Too hot for Shaina she says lol but she made it. She grabbed her fan from in the mez and off to clean it. I snapped a picture of Kaylin's dresser she has in storage as I do have a gal interested. S watered willow and my peonies a a tid bit of the garden before coming in to hit the couch again. I wrote a tutorial for the rustic coffee table set. I am quite behind on my tutorials.

this is a jumbo at 67" long, Harley peeking over edge is funny

Britt was not here till almost 8:30 from her long day at work. She was not in the best of moods working so long and in such hot weather. She fed her horses then loaded Cooper up and off for home around 9. I finished my tutorial and got it shared on the proper sites. Once in bed I started a new show called The Most Amazing Vacation Rentals. The first episode was Bali and many of the places Shaina has seen, cool!

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Hay is cut

H sat on the deck again this am from after 6 for about an hour before I put her in the garage. S had a rough night with his shot reaction but was up after 8 to make coffee. I fed H and joined him for a cup. Today is swathing the rest of the hay. Today he is taking his gun along, after coffee and toast he was ready to roll. I headed out to let horses all out again for the day. As I was opening the far paddock I spied a gopher so called S who was on his way to the swather with his gun. He came over and popped 2 while H and I looked on soon joined by the herd.

look at the size of these beauties

coming in hot to see what the shooting is all about

He was off but back in short order with another repair. I had him help me carry the table Kaylin is going to us out on the deck and I spent a couple hours sanding it outside in the shade. 

I took S a cold kombucha when he was back in for another breakdown repair then back to dark wax the table base.

The vanity was moved back to stage wall again to make room for a new dining table so I snapped a peony shot.

S was in at 12:30 for a nap. Before doing so I had him help carry in the table top as I was just finishing up the dark wax then I snapped a few pictures. B and Coop arrived around 1, she filled the puppy pool and prepped for a saddle fit check. I had B help me carry in the table top and get set up on the table. Next step is leg fastener repair.  I got the table glass out and loaded it in Shaina's jeep to go in safely. She was off to the city to help Kaylin in her move at 1:30.

We finally have a painted table again.. for how long is the mystery.

I woke the sleeping prince after an hour of sleep in hopes he could help me with the table legs. He obliged and we got new holes drilled and them glued in place. The legs were affixed and flipped over ready for my next steps. He headed back in to the couch and cool air as it was now 30+ out. I hand sanded the table top.

Sharon and her parents arrived at 2:30 to help Britt trouble shoot her saddle fit and found her aussie was an ok fit. Shaina's saddle was checked and needs to be reflocked. Sheldon stopped out to say hi then jumped in the swather to get finished. 

The guests were all loaded up and headed out after an hour. B hoses the horses as now 32 then she headed to town to do errands leaving Coop here. I took S out a cold beer as he passed by then got busy hemp oiling the table top; I love how it soaks into old wood. 

While it was drying for a couple hours H and I went inside to the A/C to catch up todays blog. I also opened my paint parcel that was delivered this am.

S was finished up after 4 and hit the couch; he is still not feeling well after his 2nd shot. Time for another nap. I got busy making kombucha; today I made 15 bottles of pomegranate and orange. A new double batch was made seeing we go thru allot now that S is on vacation. S was awake before 6 and he barbequed corn on the cob, steak and roasted veggies all on the BBQ and all done at the same time, well done young grasshopper! I fed H, much to Cooper's starving stares then put another oil coat on the table top. Supper was delicious.

S however had to hit the couch again and was down and out for the night. B was out around 7 with food for Cooper. She fed and hosed horses while I hand fed them watermelon rinds then got hand watering my garden. It was too hot to work Roo so B headed home around 8. After my watering I came in to finish todays blog and post yesterdays now the video links are ready. S was tucked into bed, hopefully tomorrow he will be right as rain.

I worked on tutorials then set out to get the kittens in around 10. They were enjoying the swaths and searching for mice so took  bit but eventually wrangled them into the barn after closing the big door and giving them offal/food. Time to finish season 2 of Manifest with my headphones, now when will they post season 3?