Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween

Almost full moon setting in the west at 7:22 am

Must be windy out, what Harley's ears would look like cropped ;)

I think I had a not bad sleep waking at 7 hearing H give a whimper but I have a dreaded headache. I let her out only for her to find a deer in the yard and fun jaunt to evacuate from the yard. Breakfast eye drops and an omega 3 pill were next on H list before we came in. Matt had asked Sheldon for help lifting bales today so brought a pumpkin spice tea and muffin before 9. He came in to visit while we all ate one (Sheldon had two!) then they set off taking the tractor and demo skid steer over.

H and I headed to the garage to work on projects. The tin tiles were clear coated. The dresser drawers had a couple test painted and a poll put out. I was not a fan of the white stained top so dark stained it with a couple dark colors blended.

top, middle or bottom?

It seems splotchy so need to fix that with another coat later

Sheldon was back by noon for lunch. We had more leftovers with B and C arriving as we were eating. She went out to feed Bird and check Switch out. S hit big brown for a rest. A lady was to arrive at 1 to check out the aussie saddle but she message she was running late again. B wanted to poultice Switch who is still 3 legged lame and give her Bute so I caught her after hauling a bucket of hot water out. We were just wrapping the foot up when the lady arrived just before 2.

S took a rip up and back the laneway with the harrows and as the lady and I were bringing the sold saddle to her vehicle she chatted him up having talked to him on phone to get gate code. She asked if quad was for sale no but this skid steer is. Next thing you know he has the lady in the skid steer giving driving lessons while I am chatting with the husband. She was very keen on it as tractor was on her new acreage list too. Maybe we have another sale??

B left Cooper for the night seeing she is off to a Halloween party. I came in before 3 and made homemade guac to have with a cold beer. The wind let up and the day was now a beauty but I was inside, why was there wind while we stood out with horses? S joined in on the snack and beer too.

I headed back to the garage to work on the dresser and seeing so nice out at plus 9 at my suggestion he hauled out the Christmas lights and decorations. I went with the top drawer which was the first coat too. I think the solid dark grey works best with the new stained top so all drawers but 1 were painted a second coat.

another coat of gel stain, this one just black, much better.

While I was looking over the finished tin tiles I thought one looked a bit yellowish with the clear coat so tried adding white which lead to sanding which led to a complete do over ;(

I was planning on making tacos for supper only to remember we have no cheese. S chose chili and the next choice so I prepped for that. Goslings stopped for some treats and a bathroom break after 6:30 (S had to run to the gate as it was malfunctioning again) then I got supper going.

I headed back out to work on the dresser; the last drawer was painted the second coat and touch ups to the edge of the stained top. More white and a clear coat on the last tile I redid.

and we cannot forget Carol and her tigers

Friday, October 30, 2020

Another skid steer arrives

Wide awake at 7 but managed to lay there till 8 when I went and let H out in plus 9 and fed her. I painted the tin tiles more white as per customer request. S was making coffee when we came in. A shower was in order after initial marketing.

Another skid steer was delivered before 11:30, this one bigger and more to the prince's liking. I was out painting another coat of paint on the tiles when the phone rang to remind me of the good food boxes. YIKES! I totally forgot. I organized Shaina to watch Harley while she was in her zoom meeting with new boss and backed the car out. A quick call to S had him jumping in as had things to do in town too. The salesman was just securing the other skid steer and heading back soon after. I left Harley with her first baby sitter: Shaina.

We were off to town in short order picking up the boxes as what looked like one of the last 2 cars of the day. Next stop was to drop Britt's box in her fridge and let Cooper out for a pee break. Renew the truck registration was next then a delivery of a box to the Paetz's. After a short visit and Sheldon installing the oven part that finally arrived we carried on to fill car with fuel and grab a jug of milk. Shaina met us at the approach where I put Sharon's box in her jeep to take down to her training session. It is PLUS 14 out but windy. After training Shaina is heading to the city for appointments and stay with Kaylin for a Halloween gathering tomorrow night.

At the house I unloaded all the produce then grabbed left overs for lunch. S did as well after filling car tires with some air then hit big brown for some down time. I headed back to garage to add a bit more white to the tiles then get started on painting the dresser base after staining the top a second coat of white. S pulled the harrows around the paddocks with the quad to break up the poop to help decompose over winter. We met back inside before 4 for a cold drink.

S played some ball with H and scooped the grass poops before taking the latest skid steer to the pit to bury a dead coyote that has been laying near our approach for days.

Supper was again leftovers but the fridge is full so need to make room. After supper I wrote a tutorial for the old crate while S continued his internet searches. Britt and Cooper were out at the usual 7:15. Harley went out for a quick play, B picked out a new round table from my stash (an antique one) then loaded up Coop and they were off by 7:30. I wrote a Hometalk post for the white farmhouse dining table. I took H for a bathroom break then to bed for us both. I watched another Letterman but it was not as intriging.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Switch not any better

Another usual am with coffee, marketing (me) and online perusing (S). He did head out and try lifting a bale with the new skid steer and putting on the second slow feeder net before the ground warmed up an more as it was now plus 1. I wrote a tutorial for the latest growth ruler. I also worked on creating fresh pins for my Pinterest page. The tin tiles got a coat of black paint finishing up all 5 before coming in for lunch.

The weather turned yucky starting to rain and blustery winds which I hope turns around as I have an appointment at 5:30 for chiro to see Switch who is worse today. Rain stopped soon but overcast dreary ugly continued . S went to hook up trailer for me while I painted the tiles a coat of white then inside to big brown. Shaina came and helped me fold the freshly laundered horse fly sheets.

I rousted Sheldon from the couch to help me put the new hardboard back on the dresser. It seems I did not measure correctly so it was a 1/2" narrow, bugger but we made it work. Once it was back on the movers he headed back to the couch and I stained the top white.

I ventured outdoors after 4 to move Roo in with the other 2 and close them in for easy catching. It was actually not bad out now plus 5 so I scooped dog poop and searched for the missing blue ball. S eventually came out to help look around and from the deck I spied it out in the east field. I got the trailer ready opening windows then caught the 3 horses to take to Murray the chiro for 5:30. Poor Switch needs this and the other 2 are for checks. S drove after loading Harley in her back seat. Switch was all kinds of out but Murray does agree she most likely has something going on in her lower leg most likely an abscess but recommended exercise to help work it out now she was adjusted. Bird was fine and Roo had a few tweaks. I loaded them back up and after a short visit we were on our way back home by 6:30. 

Video of Switch's lameness

This is a thermal camera image of a horse with a huge abscess. He will have his camera back next week if her lameness continues

I removed the poultice boot and opened the two gates and moved the other 2 horses in to that side to clean up the hay remaining. S had headed in to warm his cold feet. Harley was fed her supper before I came in to start cooking supper.

Britt arrived after 7 bringing me a super near bread box a fellow at the track gave her. I think I might keep it ;) She fed Bird and was in just as I was finishing up cooking supper to join us for a tasty meal. She was off for home soon after we were done taking her gingersnap dessert along for the ride. S was back to skid steer research and I catching up the blog. Shaina was home after 9:30 as I was crawling into bed to finish The Queen's Gambit. I then started My Next Guest with David Letterman.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Skid steer demo

It sounded like rain when I first woke after 7 and sure enough it turned to a light snow that covered the gravel areas but melted on all others. The soft flakes only lasted a few hours but kept everything wet. Coffee was served earlier today as S gave it a go to Harley's routine letting her out then feeding her. I put a pork roast in the slow cooker for supper and panned up the sour dough loaf then on to marketing. 

 A salesman dropped off a Brant/John Deere skid steer for S to try out, he also took ours for a short drive to consider for a trade in. Shaina off to town just before it arrived to meet a client and work out. After the fellow left, S and I cut the 4X8' sheet of hardboard lengthwise then into foot squares and one large piece for the back of the dresser. I hauled the pieces to the garage while S took the "new" skid steer for a rip down the road with the grader attachment.

We were just going to have lunch after 1 when the second salesman rolled in to take pictures and chat about his Cat skid steer. Shaina arrived back just after him bringing teas for us, thanks dude. She made a croissant and S made his when he came in from the short meeting. I had had mine earlier just plain. I prepped the oven and the sour dough loaf and put in once hot.

Sheldon took Shaina's jeep to the shop to change oil and I was just going to get started on sanding the tin tiles edges when Britt showed up to do Switch's foot. I brought in Switch while she set up Bird with her food. Unfortunately nothing has still popped which caused B's frustration and S was under the jeep swearing at the drain plug that would not come out.

We finished up Switch's foot, released and back to the house. The loaf came out of the oven to cool. B had picked up a lightbulb for her cars headlight having S install. This was a good break from the drain plug issue but it turned out a bit of a bugger too. Shaina made guacamole for a snack around 4. I took a break from sanding tile edges and setting everything up to do the raised stencil. After the snack I did the tiles and left to dry overnight.

Back inside I prepped veggies to cook for supper to go with the pork roast. Once cooked we enjoyed a most delicious late supper. Shaina was off to her room after going to put J in the shop, S big brown while I scrubbed dishes, made B a to go plate and gave Harley the cooled meat juices. She LOVED this of course. S took the skid steer for a loop around the island after 8 and back in to big brown and his videos.

B was back from supper at Grady's new place (the family farmhouse) at 8:30. I weighed Harley who was 86 lbs. B loaded her plate to go and Cooper and was off for home, Shaina and I headed to bed too where S was already watching youtube skid steer videos but soon fast asleep. I almost finished the Queens Gambit series but not quite.

Today is Mama K's b day, happy cake day!! XOXOXO 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Eye exams

It was a disjointed sleep with S 5 am alarm going off then the power outage after 6 starting printer etc but Harley was a champ and was waiting patiently when I came out before 8:30. There was a huge wind at 5 am, looking at PLUS 7 temperature it was a chinook. It was 6 when I let her out to do her thing then around to garage to have breakfast. Back inside I got busy catching up the blog finally. S was making coffee which I served his cup in bed. H patiently awaited him getting up to visit with. S really missed his sour dough bread last week off so I brought out the starter and fed it.

todays Kong had an egg surprise

After his coffees and toast S headed out to take pictures of the shop doors that continue to not close properly then wash his skid steer. To do this he wanted kittens safe so I came out to watch them while he backed out. It was so nice out I opened the doors and let them roam, they were very intrigued with the great outdoors. S washed his skid steer while I scooped poop seeing it was soo nice out then jumped in to lift up the bucket for him to get under.

busy crew

3 kitty - puppy videos

We have a busy day ahead so quickly changed, grabbed coolers and the returns and loaded Harley up and on the road before 11:30. A quick stop at the dump then fuel was in order. A run thru Tims for a tea and tim bit then off to let Cooper out of his kennel. It was now to head east to Airdrie. The tote customer was to meet us there at 1 but we early at 12:30. I went in and did returns and S got her the package and relaxed with H. It was PLUS 12 out. I got out groceries and we loaded them in the coolers and backseat then S went for his eye appointment at 2. I took H for a walk then put her in truck while I ran to washroom then my appointment. S chose new glasses during my appointment to be ready in a week. We grabbed some food to eat then back to Miss H. I had some returns for Homesense so stopped quick there while S ate his food then we were off east for Harley's lesson #6 at 4.

She was not a fan of this guy but by the end of class it was no big deal

We were back to the ranch just after 5. Shaina had gone to town for groceries and work out. Once we got our stuff unloaded it was time for a cold beer after our busy day. H tried her supper on another slow feeder idea; a boot tray which worked better then the dish then she needed a walk so I took her out.

Shaina was home after 6 put her stuff away and getting leftovers out for supper. Britt was along soon after having gotten off work early today. I mixed up pizza dough and a sour dough loaf. Once B was done she filled a bucket of hot water and grabbed the vet kit, I finished and caught Switch and brought her in.

The dogs ran willy nilly all over seeing Bird was eating outside and Harley loves her food and the kittens and cats scooted all over and Miss Switch stood with her foot in the bucket of water like a champ. It still has not popped anywhere and she was lamer today poor girl. B got it all wrapped up again and I released her back out into the plus 11 balmy night. I carried out a bale, this one was way heavier then the last two.

B rustled up Cooper grabbed a cookie and was off for home at 8. I came in and got to work catching up on marketing while watching a Queens' Gambit. S was watching baseball and Shaina in her room. I took Harley out after 9 for water then to bed for us both. A couple more episodes as S was sound asleep after 10 and the Dodgers won the world series.