Saturday, July 14, 2018

small square pick up

The silly A/C unit tripped last night before going to bed then again after 3 am. S trouble shot it and crawled back into bed about 20 minutes later. I was up eating a few cherries at 4:30 and never heard rain but when we woke there was a wet deck but not much, whew. The day is much cooler so perfect to go attack the fallen bale stack.

same pile in the daylight ;)

thanks to Grady for supplying Britt and I with new gloves!!

B joined us and soon we had the bale elevator in service and set up and the bales being lifted to the mez. B and I unloaded at the top and stacked while muscle man stayed on the lower level. We stacked 105 up top and 5 semi broke ones I retied on a pallet and forked up a huge tub. Another that blew up we fed to the horses. It took us about 2 1/2 hours to do this and now it was 1 and plans for lunch however that got sidelined with everyone in a cleaning mode. B tidied the feed room while I swept the tack room.

how to get higher bales down

S had posted the rest in the field for sale and was inundated with messages. One family drove up from Vulcan and loaded 40 at the same time Sharon popped over to load 25 herself. The family was fast and had theirs in no time so helped Sharon get hers in quick then she joined us for a cold beer. Britt continued her mission to clean the barn side going great guns sorting and purging tack, hauling pails and brushes and more out to scrub clean and organize.

black wax going on, left and top with right plain.. so much better with

S swapped out the bale stacker for the rake and raked the winter pasture while I got busy finishing the custom jewelry armoire. Needing thinner twine for the small baler the prince ran to town quick and once back helped me haul in the armoire, success another piece complete off my to do list.

B had finished her scrubbing and sorting and relaxed inside. The high hit 24 which was a reprieve from the heat wave. S and I prepped steak supper and man it was delicious. A great treat to a busy few days. And it did not end as after our late supper, S was off to bale the winter pasture while Britt and I rode. She took KD along to condition for polox and I took Pepper to just give exercise. I did go back out alone with Switch after putting him away to remind her of her lessons. What a beauty night.

trying to trot with two horses and a camera is a challenge, especially when the one spooked at each bale LOL

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