Monday, November 14, 2016

off to the north

Prince was up early, 3:40 am early to get fed and watered and out the door for his first flight north to the new site. I managed to sleep till 7:30, yay!! But after a coffee and some marketing I was back to work in the garage. Today I scrubbed up two new pieces; a coffee table and nightstand. Both needed a bit of sanding and hardware holes filled.

Once dry the night stand was the recipient of my new line of paint I received called Vintage Design and Market. The colors look like the sea or a mermaid so that was my plan, first coat the peacock blue. This paint needs 3-12 hrs after first coat so it then sat.

The coffee table I hmmed and hawed and finally went with barn red which looked like a deep red on the color card and bag. I mixed it up, tried the beeswax bar on the edges first then applied it on. NOTHING like the card showed but rather the barn red like every other paint company.. the brown red. HMMM well it to got left to dry but since it dries quick I then tried the antiquing coat to see if darkened but nope ;(

this is the beeswax bar, it smells yummy

the planned products

time to mix all up and apply

but it sure is not a deep red is it? maybe when dry

nope this is dry and below with the antique top coat ;( time to sand off the top coat and rethink

I walked the dogs to the gate after 4 to meet the jewelry box buyer, so nice to have 13 degree sunshine in November.

check out this happy dog on his pillow pile!

Soon after Amanda dropped Ada and Asher off so she could go comfort Lynda who just lost her Mom ;( The kids kept busy eating, and eating and playing connect 4 and other games then we saw Craig at the gate. But he did not move, we waited and waited but after 1/2 an hour waiting for him to come thru the gate, we donned our jackets, headed out in the super moon light with flashlights to sneak up on him. It was very brisk out so it was not long before we came inside. Seems he was chatting with a client before putting in the code I text him. But we did get back out to run in the dark to meet him.

hard to get a nice super moon picture

Once they were off it was time for 2nd choice for coffee table, renfrew blue, it looks better.

good bye orangy red

And the nightstand got the pretty paradise green/blue color added. It looks like mermaid skin to me ;)

I also tried another of their products which is to act like a resist like the beeswax bar before I painted the lighter color

I finally shut it down by 9 to come in for a tuna sandwich supper. Sheldon had called while I was painting to say all was great at the new site but was a quick call as he had to hit the hay after a long day.

Today is Grandma Ball's birthday, happy heavenly birthday, we miss you! XOXO

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