Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day!

Mothers day!! a very lucky day.. to be a mom and to have great Moms.. Happy Mom's day !! XOXO

My day started with a couple hugs from Shaina and Britt as they both headed out the door to their work and a nice text from Kaylin as she too was off to work this day. Love my girls!! XOXO Sheldon made fresh coffee and "cream" and I opened my gift certificate that went with the potted plant, manicure and pedicure, something a Mom always needs ;) thanks Mr K!!

my birthday bouquet was also part Mom's day.. thanks again B!

He cooked up a brunch while I vacuumed the main floor, the vacuum daily living on a dusty ranch floor. Before he hit the couch for a nap after brunch we did a quick pic of the club jacket and jerseys to post.

The sun was shining but the wind blew ;( and it was only 19.. so hoping the rains they have forecast for tonight come, luckily I read Ft Mac is finally getting rain, Hallelujah.

I buffed a few of the spray painted handles before the customer arrived to pick up the curio and she bought a mirror too. Sheldon helped load as he watered trees. My next project was to refill all the empty mineral tubs in the shelters, give Baby her meds and toss a bale. He had an ex co-worker drop out and buy the last of the bison and take a shop tour. The plans got underway for the hitching post in the barn but sidetracked by a headstall issue; eventually we had to use a zip disc on an offset grinder to cut the screw side off. I also did some barn decor hanging a horse mobile and horse head hook.

Britt was home from work but the crappy wind changed our mind for a ride. She did however clean my not together headstall, thanks B! A group effort created the mothers day supper.. which was very yummy. A few drops of rain blew onto the north windows as we ate but that was about it ;( The evening was rounded out with the movie Creed. Once in bed, I did read a bit of my latest book, My Secret Sister, a true but hard to read story about an abused child.

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