Wednesday, May 4, 2016

curio cabinet finished ;)

I may have jumped the gun posting earlier last night, Britt got home from practice after 9 starving and looking for protein. Sheldon the head barbquer gave her a lesson in how to cook a steak, another new lesson in her lineup. He was then off to sleep by 10. Not sure if it was the hot day making the house warm (too early for A/C says the Prince), the snoring neighbor or the barking dog (whose mission is to guard D who tonight is sleeping on the deck outside our window) but I did not sleep. The last clock time was after 4 am ;( then the Prince was up at his 5:15.. darn it.

Having spent his first successful night outside, Diego did not give me a wake up call but rather it was Britt grinding coffee for her 6:20 am departure to meet Ty. I did manage to fall back asleep till she text at 7 requesting I feed her horse for her today.. guess I have to use these early mornings esp when hot. Today looks like it will be another scorcher.

I got to work on my projects, the nesting tables got their poly coats and the curio cabinet was wet distressed then dark waxed. Between dry times I problem solved on 2 dressers I plan to use for 2 paint rep projects. They however are veneer tops and scratched so I took all outside to sand. This did not work. Next attempt on the arborite top  was mineral spirits, nope, lacquer thinner nope, finally heavy duty stripper worked great.

The veneer top I tried the drywall spackle to fill in the missing circle as well as an edge repair. I hauled in the tables, took pics and posted.

The curio got even more work with another cot of dark wax then patina dry brush and highlights. The next step was to paint the wood backing they provided and once it was dry sand and dark wax as well. The hardware got an update to ORB. The backing looked pretty bright so I took it down with brown glaze. Perfect, looks like a good match.

 dark wax going on backing and shown on edges, test shows it too bright... right so dark glaze was added to tone it down shown below

Sheldon was home before 5 followed close behind by Shaina. She came out to ride and do Baby's feet. She and I caught 4 ponies and I started on the feet project while she brushed the other 3 and started tacking. Sheldon changed out of his down town boy fancy clothes and joined us. He tacked up my horse for me, thanks lovey. Then we were off.. 28 made for mostly a walk with occasional trot ride but was lovely.

Back at the barn all got a hose down, Switch got wound cream applied and Sheldon threw then a bale. I tried to feed Bird but she had zero interest. Shaina had a snack and cold drink and was off around 7. Too hot to really cook so scrambled eggs, beans, toast and avocado. I went back out to wax the backing now the glaze was dry and had Sheldon help me brad nail the back on. In out usual style, first attempt was not square so pry and reapply to perfection. I added the hardware back on and snapped some pictures, in the garage unfortunately so not the best.

Britt was home after a long tiring day at 9 ;)

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