Saturday, May 28, 2016

first polocrosse jackpot

What a great day for the first jackpot. They had threatened rain all week but the day started out sunny and nice. Sheldon was out after a few motivating coffees and sprayed the missing patches. I packed up some drinks and snacks. I tried out my new helmet.. seems like a better fit for sure ;)

We caught and loaded the horses around 11:30 (both Pepper and Daisy were a bit lame so Sheldon opted to just be driver) and headed west hitting the parking lot around 12:30. Britt and I tacked up all 3 horses (Switch, Bird & KD) and hit the field to warm up. Just as play was about to begin a rain squall rolled in, KD became crusty as was Bird and when I let Britt try KD she tried to pitch her which did not add to the days anxiety. As the rain let loose, we went back and untacked Switch and KD and headed back to the field to watch play as the sun began to peek out.

Switch taking it all in

It only got better from there. At 4 ish we loaded up and headed home where once unloaded, I tacked Switch back up for her daily ride. Britt joined bareback on Bird while Sheldon mowed the now bushy green grass. It always looks amazing when cut but after the last rains it looks uber amazing. He also blasted the dandelions around the house with spray.. a real spray day!

After supper, Britt showered up and was to town to celebrate grad. Sheldon and I degrunged with a long soak and hit the comfy bed to watch Saturday Night live, He of course fell asleep so I continued on my recent evening Netflix watching of the Good Wife. I fell asleep for about an hour before I ran to town at 1 to pick up B. So crazy I had all green lights and was there and back in 20 minutes ;)

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