Friday, May 13, 2016

go go go day

So go figure, seeing the light is early and stays later now maybe that was why I was up at 7:30. Pretty early for a Friday. Even Britt was up by 9 setting her alarm for concert tickets going on sale at 10. We had to log in and make sure all ready ;) I had a barefoot trimmer gal tentatively coming at 11 but 9:30 she called to say on her way here in a few minutes. She and I got Baby up and back to the house where she started a trim to help areas I had missed and help ease her pain.

Britt stayed inside to score the Dixie Chicks tix but did come out and ride Bird and feed her while we worked. Between breaks for Baby we looked at most others to see where I can tweak and had a one on one refresher course that was awesome. She even sharpened my hoof knives and nippers, Thanks Connie!!
these are the tools I need to find.. and motor oil
Connie left 1, grabbed a cold beer leftover Vietnamese then headed out to trip more feet after we booked Britt's flight to Thailand!! Hawk had a crazy amount of dead sole to remove, check this out..
 might be hard to see but 1/4" thick

Daisy, Pepper, Bird and Switch all got a work over, just KD to go. I was finishing up when Sheldon got home by 3:30. He promptly hit the couch for a nap. I showered up and rousted him after 4, he unhooked the horse trailer and we were off to meet a gal to buy a dresser. We met her at Lowe's were we checked for barn lights and no luck ;(

Costco we hoped to find a big poplar and peonies but no luck on wither, we did get some pretty roses and stocked up on goodies. A stop at Bass Pro was not as successful finding the sharpening tools but I found a mini. We headed tot eh north end of the mall to hit my favorite store, Home Sense then shoe store before meeting Lori. She and I visited at Tim's while Sheldon looked for shoes finding 2 pair inthe end. She got her 2 painted treasures after they closed us out of the mall.

Back home after 10, Britt had gone to Rosebud, we unloaded and tidied the main area for tomorrows ditch cleaning and potluck then hit the sheets. What a long, busy but productive day. Sheldon was sleeping right away while I read for a bit. Britt got home just after 3, oddly I awoke just before she did to Baby's neigh at the mineral tub. I however laid awake for 2 hours coming up with the ditch cleaning drop off plan.

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