Monday, May 2, 2016

heat wave begins

Good morning Monday.. Sheldon was driver this week. Diego wanted out before 8 and Britt was getting ready for work so I made a pot of coffee to get us going. She was off to meet Ty for 9. I let 3 horses out to graze the shop are then got to work painting the first coat on the 3rd set of nesting tables.
 her final color decision and first coat on

While they dried, I made a quick trip in the already 25 degree sunshine to Langdon to pick up a chest I won in the bidding wars. Sadly it was not wood as stated but she did give me a better deal.

Just over half hour I was back at the house, a few plants needed water so did that, unloaded the chest and grabbed a sandwich for lunch. The 2nd coats went on to the tables. I am liking the color choices together.
I distressed each set before 2nd cot goes on to make easier after final coat, plus it was sent to customer to understand what distressing meant

Next up was first coat on the curio cabinet, lucky they removed glass and back, sure makes it easier.

2 couriers arrived today delivering more paint goodies, can't wait to try them!

I finished up just before Sheldon pulled in. Time for a cold beer on this beauty day. Once Britt was home we ate a quick supper then went out to ride, all 3 of us ;) I trimmed Switch too and hosed her barb wire cut she got at the trainers ;(  RVT B added wound cream. She was off next to help Lynda with her geldings possible bean. Britt has all kinds of jobs as this is said to be a paying job. Sheldon had to catch some hockey before hitting the sheets before 10. This mon-fri 7-4 is a hard gig!

Shaina arrived just after 10:30 from her golf course shift, today her and Shannon collected all their tips to give to their friend Katie's Dad and little brother. They collected $600 today, well done girls, very proud of you. B got home after 11 making $50 for her independent vet care. Good job B!

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