Wednesday, September 30, 2015

city trip

Great news, Britt was a recipient of the Oyen Legion Bursary, congrats B! Thanks to Mom for helping her get it in on time when she was down and out.

I was up early putzing around before I was scrambling to get to the city getting stuff prepared to go, Costco returns, birthday present, list for doctor, showered etc. A lady stopped out in the middle to pick up a few new laptop bags I posted too. I finally got going after 11 but had to come back for phone and then forgot the lists!

It was another gorgeous day. First stop was to meet my beautiful daughters for an early birthday lunch for Kaylin. She and Shaina are heading to Vegas Thursday for a little getaway, have fun my lovelies but be SAFE!!
 isn't she a beautiful birthday girl?!! XOXO
Lunch was fairly fast as I had doctor appointment in les than an hour but we did it. Hugs and the girls were both off to work and me to meet Dr Susan Kuhn who said we had great last names ;) The rest of the afternoon was spent running errands. I did not bad for having forgot the list.

I finally got out of the city at 6:30 and stopped to borrow a miter box from Craig but it seems he thought I meant large miter saw ;) I had a quick visit with AJ and the kids then was off home to unload all my treasures. Treat Bird, feed the dogs chug down a cold beer! Whew another busy productive day.
guess what I found at Costco!!

forgot to share a picture Britt sent, we need one of these... OMG too cute, mini cows!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

garage/mez/garden shed reorganize

Sheldon left at usual early time. I was awake at 8 ready to get busy. Today I plan to reorganize the garage, mezzanine and perhaps some more. Coffee got it all started. I rearranged furniture and made a huge improvement, yeah I swept to and hauled all items to mez, storage trailer and garden shed.
The custom dresser got more sanding then a super scrubbing, hosed clean and left to dry well

 look how the old dirt and such washes off thanks to TSP and hand scrubbing
Julio got fed and foot soaked then did some mowing. Later in the afternoon when I put him back with more food, I hosed, treated and fed Bird then let everyone back in together. A vet had called to say that most likely the abscess is part of past founder, white line disease and cushing's and most likely will reoccur ;(

The next makeover was up in the mez, it looked awesome when done, another big yeah!!

The garden shed got an update with a shelf I hauled from storage trailer and moved lots of garden goodies in there making another organized space.
The day was gorgeous yet again, no wind, lots of sun and high of 21. After hosing Bird I quickly changed, loaded up Gail's goodies the picker dropped off here (along with Britt's hospital scrubs for her to take back when working there and some barb wire) and was off to town. I dropped her stuff off on her deck then met Grama and Papa at the golf course for supper where Shaina was our great server again. It was a good catch up hearing about their vacation. Then they were off to home, Thanks for supper G,P & S!!

I stopped at Amanda's on way home to pick up a pepper grinder a gal dropped off I bought and ended up having an hour visit, and introduction to almost every one of Ada's stuffies ;) What a super productive day, yeah me!!

Monday, September 28, 2015

garage purge

I was awake early and got coffee going after a peruse on Pinterest. Great news, Julio is walking much better this morning, this determined old boy has gumption.
Sheldon gave him food as he unhooked the trailer getting ready to head to town. He took in eggs for Paetz's and the girls (Shaina will pick up after her shift at golf course) along with Steve and Jenny's growth ruler (left) for PU.
He was also getting a massage, prescription safety glasses and meeting at the bank to get Britt's RESP activated. whew busy day for him. I worked on marketing for Creative Moments hoping to draw more followers and business and the blog. I also had to rescan and send forms for Britt's AEF app she needed, fingers crossed to win that one. While reading the paper this am, Sheldon came across one for our county.. due ... yesterday!!

The custom dresser is an antique and rough shape so sanding and filling were in order to start.

There was also no frost ;) however there was a haze over the grass at 8. The day was another lovely one with sun and no wind, just that alone makes for a great day. When I went to take the wrap off Julio I found he had an abscess break thru the coronet band, this explains lots more.
I couldn't stop with the adding more stain to table top and applied yet another coat. I need to sell this and get out of my face or I keep tweaking it ;) I hauled it out after drying a bit and took some new pictures to post. Work got started on the custom dresser with removing hardware, filling, sanding and repairs.

Sheldon was home around 2 with Edo but it seems he forgot to pick out and order his glasses so after helping me tend to Julio he put some screws in the rails that keep popping out and was off back to town. I soaked Julio's foot with hibatane/epsom salt water then sprayed with apple cider vinegar. I hope this draws more of the pus out then he spent awhile in the round pen. Vet Jody said to soak for 3 days so back out I went and had old crusty soak for 5 minutes ;)

Once he got back we got busy in the garage and went thru both big shelving units purging and piling and loading in the truck. All headboards will go up in mez to store until I find a wood worker to help me build my benches, Christmas decorations were sent up as well. I hauled around the remaining cabinets up there and will use for storage too. We moved one of the large shelves up and I will organize this week.

I caught Bird and hosed and treated her wounds, she is coming along well other then the odd swelling on the front right, fingers crossed it will go back down.
At 7 we headed in to eat some wings and have a cold beer. Forgot to share Shaina's makeup application routine, cracks me up ;)
Britt also sent me this picture she took while swathing of her co-pilot
we were clouded over last night and could not see the blood moon but here is a good picture taken by
Kim Taylor photography.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

1 coyote down

Sunday morning started with a bang, literally. After I was up at 8:15 and making coffee I got working on the blog. Lola was barking and when Sheldon looked out he saw a coyote right at the lilac tree meadow. He hurriedly got the rifle and let off a shot after a snapped a few pics and called Lola back. Now it wasn't quite a clean kill so he had to quickly put on clothes (no photo of gonch rifleman) and head out with shot gun then dispose of the body. Sort of sounds like a CSI show but was just the end to the ballsy pest I hope.

More fall cleanup for us both, I worked in the garage while he worked on the old diamond harrows. Britt of course slept in then worked on her AEF scholarship application due this week. Marissa S dropped off the egg order. I added more dirt to flower beds topping them up nice, cleaned out the horse trailer since our trail ride planned for today was cancelled due to Shaina's over indulgence last night ;0) and I gave the front mat a good beating and hose! The dogs also got a wormer dose too.

Sheldon finally got out to harrow.

I headed out and walked Julio back to the close paddock as he is still very lame. It was a slow walk but we made it, that and the fact I had text Britt to meet us at the gate with food. He LOVES his food.
 the 33 year old gentleman

Julie dropped off some picking treasures.
Britt hosed and treated Bird then she and I then did a bit of work on Ju. She washed his leg and rubbed linament on then I put on a cotton cloth and wrap for stability. I also trimmed the foot up quick to try and balance it out and help pressure.

big hugs

Marissa G stopped to pick up their growth ruler (right).
After supper, Britt headed for Olds at 6:30. I headed out to cover planters and harvest my zucchini as they say hard frost coming tonight ;(

Saturday, September 26, 2015

oats swathed again & fall yard cleanup

Saturday sleep in.. till 8:20! ;) But this was over 12 hours for Sheldon, HAHAHA. A customer and her family popped out to drop off a dresser base they want painted, color choice and a visit followed as she was the girls elementary teacher and a great one at that. Final color choice.. purple.. haha not husband's first choice but it will be lovely.

Next order of business, getting Britt up to get on the swather. Sheldon took a couple rounds while she had coffee, toast and got ready. She took over at 10:45 and put in 7 hours! Sheldon then grabbed the weed eater and chopped the knee high grass around all the tree bases, YEAH. I cut back a pile out of plants in the garden/flower beds then fine tuned all the trees he weed eated. I trimmed branches and pulled extra grass making them all look great. I also got the water going from 2 of the big tanks going.
Sheldon and I loaded the horse trailer with recyclables, finally after my great sorting the huge pile is now moving out of the garage. The trash got dropped at the dump as well as some recyclables (apparently only cardboard, news print and tin actually gets recycled according to him). Diesel fill for truck and gerry can for swather were next in line then off to recycle depot.. after all our drop offs there was 2 sweet items at the take it or leave it, hard work pays ;)
a wee tea pot for B and a blue glass vase for me.. still with a $35 price tag.. I LOVE blue glass!

A wrong turn on our way to EDO ended up being a good idea. Sheldon's favorite store, Canadian Tire was packed. As we pulled through a CT rep called thru the window free lunch. Burger, popcorn, a bag of chip and a pop were offered all FREE! Homeward bound!

I walked the wheelbarrow to the pit meeting Sheldon on way back, he was off to start moving 8 bales back to the house. I closed gates and moved mineral/salt buckets to far shelter closing off the one paddock for bale storage and regrowth and filled the water trough. The day had a bit of rain sprinkles but late afternoon it became beautiful, only 15 but with sunshine and no wind it felt like mid 20's!
 a flower seed took hold in the pit.. beauty in unlikely spot for sure

I DECONSTRUCTED a table on the deck, planning to use the top for a jumbo clock. I also put away all the garden decor in the shed as Britt pulled in with a lost guard requiring Sheldon's repair expertise. We hauled all the deck furniture to mez storage as well ;( She got back up and running and finished the field at 5:30, after a rest she did head out to hose and green cream Bird before hitting the basement claiming feeling crappy.

 new beer bottle opener installed in the barn
barn board beside other two

Sheldon gathered thin poles to start our temporary fence around the house while I prepared supper
  check out the nice rows of fresh cut oats behind
What a busy day with so much done!! Only thing I love about fall is the cleanup and tidying. Steak supper and hot soak...studying for B and TV for us rounded out the exciting Saturday night.

Friday, September 25, 2015

windy sunny Friday

Friday.. home day for Sheldon and Britt and Shaina is staying tonight as well ;) The day was sunny and 24 but WINDY, a warm drying harvest wind but windy no less. After giving Bird her last dose of sulphur meds I put her, Pepper and Julio in the round pen. I started yard clean up pulling weeds, harvesting more seeds and cleaning out the dog pool and refilling with fresh water. Time to also drain the tanks so started tree watering too.

The high hit 25 around noon but dropped to 17 in the afternoon. I restaged the end table and did some marketing... come on buyers.. make me some offers ;)

While moving the water I heard Lola charge off and sure enough a coyote was right in the paddock between the horses, she got very close and moved him off then laid in the field holding her vigil for about an hour after.
Britt was home before 4 but hit her bed for a nap. Sheldon was home by 5 just in time to enjoy my home made meat sauce over garden fresh spaghetti squash.

After supper Britt hosed Bird, I made up the last food using up uniprim and we applied the TTO/ salve before letting her and Pepper out with the herd. 16 days of quarantine and she is finally free ;) Julio however hurt his leg rushing to get his food so he is on a slow hop along.

Sheldon donned his covies, changed a knife section on the swather and took a few loops around to open the field.
After a long 10 days and travel day, he hit the sheets by 8. I read for awhile before Shaina got home around 9:30 after work. Britt joined us for a visit before they were off watching TV and I got back to my book.